Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
bargainable category vs management category
Croatian translation:
kategorija radnika / menadžera
Added to glossary by
Stela Pavetić
May 9, 2012 16:39
12 yrs ago
English term
bargainable category vs management category
English to Croatian
Human Resources
Termin dolazi iz jednog pravilnika - In case of promotion from bargainable category to management category in the applicable financial year - pretpostavljam da se radi o upravi i redovnim zaposlenicima, ali ne mogu pronaći termin koji se koristi na hrvatskom - postoji li uopće?
Proposed translations
4 +1 | kategorija radnika / menadžera | Vesna Maširević |
Proposed translations
13 hrs
kategorija radnika / menadžera
(radnici koji imaju pravo na sindikalno udruživanje i menadžment)
Bargainable / non-bargainable employees se razlikuju po tome što prvo navedeni imaju pravo na sindikalno udruživanje i to su uglavnom "obični zaposlenici" a drugi ga nemaju.
Imajući u vidu da teorijski "Sloboda udruživanja i osnivanja sindikata spada u „prvu generaciju ljudskih prava“, prevod traženih termina zavisi od konteksta.
A common method of combating or eliminating trade unionism was to deny sections of workers the right to engage in it. Here managements were assisted by ambiguities in the Industrial Disputes Act, which protects the collective bargaining rights of only those who are designated as ‘workmen’. Courts interpreted this to mean that there is a ‘non-bargainable’ category of employees who do not have the right to belong to a union or bargain collectively: a clear violation of ILO Conventions 87 and 98 on Freedom of Association and the Right to Organise and Bargain Collectively, not to mention the Indian Constitution!
It is easy to see why the ILO considers these Conventions to be fundamental; if workers are free to organise themselves and bargain collectively, they can win many other rights. If these conventions are implemented in India, they would abolish the nonbargainable category in the organised sector as well as rule out the systematic victimisation of workers who try to form or join unions in the unorganised sector.
i tome sl.
Note added at 18 hrs (2012-05-10 10:57:39 GMT)
Kolega je apsolutno u pravu u vezi kolektivnog ugovora i pregovora "u četiri oka", posebno jer "bargainable" nisu nužno članovi nekog sindikata
Bargainable / non-bargainable employees se razlikuju po tome što prvo navedeni imaju pravo na sindikalno udruživanje i to su uglavnom "obični zaposlenici" a drugi ga nemaju.
Imajući u vidu da teorijski "Sloboda udruživanja i osnivanja sindikata spada u „prvu generaciju ljudskih prava“, prevod traženih termina zavisi od konteksta.
A common method of combating or eliminating trade unionism was to deny sections of workers the right to engage in it. Here managements were assisted by ambiguities in the Industrial Disputes Act, which protects the collective bargaining rights of only those who are designated as ‘workmen’. Courts interpreted this to mean that there is a ‘non-bargainable’ category of employees who do not have the right to belong to a union or bargain collectively: a clear violation of ILO Conventions 87 and 98 on Freedom of Association and the Right to Organise and Bargain Collectively, not to mention the Indian Constitution!
It is easy to see why the ILO considers these Conventions to be fundamental; if workers are free to organise themselves and bargain collectively, they can win many other rights. If these conventions are implemented in India, they would abolish the nonbargainable category in the organised sector as well as rule out the systematic victimisation of workers who try to form or join unions in the unorganised sector.
i tome sl.
Note added at 18 hrs (2012-05-10 10:57:39 GMT)
Kolega je apsolutno u pravu u vezi kolektivnog ugovora i pregovora "u četiri oka", posebno jer "bargainable" nisu nužno članovi nekog sindikata
Note from asker:
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