Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
business efficiency
Czech translation:
efektivita podnikání/podniku
Added to glossary by
Markéta Marešová
Jan 24, 2015 10:43
9 yrs ago
English term
business efficiency
English to Czech
Business/Commerce (general)
mid-market business existuje asi tak 5 různých překladů, pro efficiency minimálně 2, čili očekávám tak 10 možností :-)
děkuji předem
Business efficiency is also the target for investment by mid-sized companies. Along with new product or service developments (27%), business efficiency was rated the key current priority (27%).
děkuji předem
Business efficiency is also the target for investment by mid-sized companies. Along with new product or service developments (27%), business efficiency was rated the key current priority (27%).
Proposed translations
3 +3 | efektivita podnikání/podniku | Markéta Marešová |
4 | efektivnost podnikání | Ivan Šimerka |
3 | užitečnost podnikání | rosim |
3 | hospodárnost | Václav Pinkava |
Change log
Feb 7, 2015 08:06: Markéta Marešová Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
20 mins
efektivita podnikání/podniku
I já se těším na návrhy ostatních...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
13 mins
efektivnost podnikání
stejné jako účinnost podnikání, ale má to v podtextu něco víc (?)
Note added at 13 min (2015-01-24 10:56:56 GMT)
Jedna z 10 možností
Note added at 13 min (2015-01-24 10:56:56 GMT)
Jedna z 10 možností
1 day 17 hrs
užitečnost podnikání
text se podle toho minikontextu zdá být spíš obecnější...
3 days 9 hrs
"Companies that have invested wisely in business efficiency initiatives over the past few years are well
positioned to create value for their customers and shareholders in the year ahead."<br>
"Companies that have invested wisely in business efficiency initiatives over the past few years are well
positioned to create value for their customers and shareholders in the year ahead."<br>
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