Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
5-Beam Photo-Loop
Czech translation:
5paprskovy fotoelektricky obvod
Added to glossary by
Radovan Pletka
Aug 2, 2007 16:56
17 yrs ago
English term
5-Beam Photo-Loop
English to Czech
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Industrial machinery
The system is used to control the feeding of material from a constantly rolling secondary feed device (typically a leveller) into a primary ‘stop-start’ feed device, (typically a roll-feed unit).
The top photo beam (tight loop) is interfaced with the primary feed device; this beam must be covered by the material in the loop to enable it to operate.
The bottom photo beam (full loop) will cause the secondary feed device to stop if covered.
If the speed is set too high the material will move to the bottom of the loop, this can cause the secondary feed device to stop if the bottom beam is broken.
Prelozila bych to jako 5-ti paprskovy foto-czklus, ale slovo cylkus mi nesedi ve vyrazech napr. material will move to the bottom of the loop...
Diky za radu.
The top photo beam (tight loop) is interfaced with the primary feed device; this beam must be covered by the material in the loop to enable it to operate.
The bottom photo beam (full loop) will cause the secondary feed device to stop if covered.
If the speed is set too high the material will move to the bottom of the loop, this can cause the secondary feed device to stop if the bottom beam is broken.
Prelozila bych to jako 5-ti paprskovy foto-czklus, ale slovo cylkus mi nesedi ve vyrazech napr. material will move to the bottom of the loop...
Diky za radu.
Proposed translations
4 +1 | 5paprskovy fotoelektricky obvod |
Radovan Pletka
![]() |
Change log
Aug 5, 2007 22:01: Radovan Pletka Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
2 days 21 mins
5paprskovy fotoelektricky obvod
to je jedine co dava smysl, podle toho, ktery paprsek se prerusi, obvod udela bud to nebo ono
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: snad jen slovo obvod by se dalo nahradit slovem snímač (lehký slang by byl: pětipaprsková fotobuňka)
22 days
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Diky, stale mam ale problem napsat material se posune do sponi casti obvodu... je to orisek. Hezky vecer."
Jedna se o cast te linky na "back panels", v teto casti probiha kontrola procesu odvinovani a navinovani svitky (civky) pasu plechu, ketry bud odchazi z rovnaciho stroje nebo do nej vchazi.... Loop by melo znamenat jedno odtoceni, ale nejak nenachazim spravne slovo, aby mi to sedelo do textu material will move to the bottom of the loop... Diky