Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Feb 15, 2008 09:52
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
Ample wheel travel — 192-mm total, 95.3 mm in jounce provides a smooth ride
English to Dutch
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Jeep Cherokee suspension
The title of this paragraph is the following:
A new independent short/long arm (SLA) coil spring front suspension provides the following customer benefits:
I am having difficulties translating the term 'wheel travel' and 'jounce'.
Can anyone suggest a translation for this sentence?
A new independent short/long arm (SLA) coil spring front suspension provides the following customer benefits:
I am having difficulties translating the term 'wheel travel' and 'jounce'.
Can anyone suggest a translation for this sentence?
Proposed translations
4 | veerweg | Harry Borsje |
Proposed translations
42 mins
English term (edited):
wheel travel
Aub voor de andere term een aparte vraag indienen (voor zover nog nodig na consultatie van onderstaand autowoordenboek.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Bedankt voor dit antwoord, en voor de hele interessante link naar het woordenboek."