Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Strong flour

Dutch translation:

Glutenrijk meel

Added to glossary by Willemina Hagenauw
Dec 15, 2005 16:51
19 yrs ago
English term


English to Dutch Other Food & Drink flour for bread
Weet iemand hoe je "strong" vertaalt in de combinatie met "flour". 500g Strong White Bread Flour en Strong Brown Bread Flour.

Proposed translations (Dutch)
5 +3 glutenrijk
3 sterk
3 hard meel

Discussion Dec 16, 2005:
strong Het is informatie voor de klant, dus de thuisbak(k)(st)er.
Gerard de Noord Dec 15, 2005:
Vertaal je een broodrecept of een brochure voor bakkers?

Proposed translations

7 mins


As the following explanation indicates:
Strong Flour

This type of flour should be made from hard wheat varieties and produces elastic dough because it has a high gluten and protein content. Gluten is rather like chewing gum and can hold the carbon dioxide gas produced during dough fermentation to produce a good crumb structure in the finished loaf.

Hard wheat varieties produce the best flour for bread making. However the weather in the UK sometimes makes it difficult for farmers to grow hard wheat in quantity. Unlike many other flour millers, at Doves Farm Foods we blend home grown varieties with imported hard wheat for optimum bread making performance. We do this rather than fortifying the flour by adding refined gluten as in many other mills.
Peer comment(s):

agree Judith Verschuren : zie: strong flour = high-gluten flour
18 mins
agree roeland
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agree 11thmuse
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks! Willemina"
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