Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Population costs
French translation:
charge/fardeau économique pour la population générale
English term
Population costs
suivi d'une liste de pathologies et de leur coût
4 +2 | charge/fardeau économique pour la population générale | Drmanu49 |
PRO (3): Lionel-N, Tony M, Drmanu49
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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
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Proposed translations
charge/fardeau économique pour la population générale › chronicle › article › les-maladies...
Les maladies chroniques peuvent engendrer une perte de l'indépendance, des années d'incapacité ou la mort et imposer un fardeau économique considérable aux ...
Estimation du fardeau global des maladies pour les 55 ans ...
ORS Nouvelle Aquitaine › uploads › 2016/01
L'objectif général de cette approche est d'estimer le fardeau global des différentes pathologies pour les 55 ans et plus en Poitou-Charentes.
agree |
François Tardif
: Oui, et on peut très bien utiliser une traduction libre sans devoir s'appuyer nécessairement sur des textes déjà sur Internet. Salutations
4 hrs
Thank you.
agree |
7 hrs
Thanks Lio!
disagree |
Tony M
: I firmly believe this is not 'the general population', but being used in the statistical sense.
10 hrs
agree |
: "Population" just might refer to some specific segment of the total population, those targeted by this insurance - Asker will know if that's the case, A priori, it makes more sense to me to include everyone in this "population".
16 hrs
Thank you.
I think this is a specific usage of 'population' used in health statistics etc. studies, and does NOT refer to 'the population as a whole'.
Normally, it refers to a particular 'group' or 'population' (wherein the idea of 'group' is a purely abstract, conceptual one), such as 'men over 50' etc.
It would help to know the orders of magnitude and expressed units of these 'costs', which might give a clue as to the type of 'population' intended here.