Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

progressive tax

Indonesian translation:

pajak progresif

Apr 28, 2009 14:56
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

progressive tax

GBK English to Indonesian Social Sciences Law: Taxation & Customs
Definition from
Tax collected at increasingly higher rates or percentages as income level increases.
Example sentences:
There are many people who support progressive tax, since they feel it is only fair that those who make more should contribute more to the government. (wiseGEEK)
The modern theory of optimal income tax progressivity begins with the utilitarian principle, but views the issue as a trade-off between the social benefits of a more equal distribution of after-tax income and the economic damage imposed by highly progressive taxes. (
The progressive tax system, and the nation's fiscal system more broadly, have historically played an important role in expanding opportunities for all Americans while reducing inequality. (Brookings)
Proposed translations (Indonesian)
5 +3 pajak progresif
Change log

Apr 28, 2009 14:46: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Apr 28, 2009 14:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 1, 2009 15:55: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

2 hrs

pajak progresif

Definition from Buku Pengantar Perpajakan:
suatu pajak disebut pajak progresift apabila prosentase tarif yang dikenakan makin lama makin tinggi apabila obyek pajaknya makin lama makin tinggi pula
Example sentences:
DPR mengusulkan pengenaan pajak penjualan barang mewah (PPnBM) secara progresif untuk mendorong penggunaan maupun ekspor barang mewah. "Kita minta pemerintah memberlakukan pajak progresif untuk barang mewah untuk meningkatkan pemakaian domestik dan ekspor." kata Wakil Ketua Panitia Anggaran DPR Harry Azhar Azis kepada Investor Daily, di Jakarta, Rabu (19/ 11 (dirjen pajak)
Peer comment(s):

agree vicksy nurhayati
17 hrs
agree Wiwit Tabah Santoso
1 day 2 hrs
agree Kemala Dewi
1 day 9 hrs
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