Jul 4, 2012 11:20
12 yrs ago
English term

files metal

English to Italian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering
lo trovo in una lista di utensili a disposizione nella cassetta degli strumenti di un tecnico. purtroppo non ho contesto. dopo "files metal" trovo "saw metal". qualche idea?


Francesco Badolato Jul 4, 2012:
Scusa Marika se ci fosse la virgola, che non c'è, sarebbe files, metal e quindi sarebbero due cose distinte: lime, metallo.
Che significato avrebbe "metal files" allora?
Marika Costantini (asker) Jul 4, 2012:
I think Colin is right ..as there's a list of tools that a technician uses during its work. I think that a comma is missing between these words and the same is for "saw metal".
Marika Costantini (asker) Jul 4, 2012:
context: tools -
Francesco Badolato Jul 4, 2012:
Se così fosse come si tradurrebbe "metal files"? Direi "lime per metallo ma qui è "files metal".
Raoul COLIN (X) Jul 4, 2012:
files metal what the context tools or metalurgy
tools - lime per mettallo
metalurgy - metallo per lime

Proposed translations

8 mins

lime per metallo

mi sembra

Note added at 8 mins (2012-07-04 11:28:46 GMT)

i.e. files for smoothing metal

Note added at 47 mins (2012-07-04 12:07:31 GMT)

I believe there is simply a comma missing ("files, metal") and also in the next item ("saw, metal"), as I cannot see why a "lista di utensili a disposizione nella cassetta degli strumenti di un tecnico" would contain pieces of metal for making files or saws.

Note added at 50 mins (2012-07-04 12:10:41 GMT)

Instead, it is specifying that the files in question are for filing metal (as opposed to wood, etc.). The same applies again to the saw: it is a saw for cutting metal (i.e. a hacksaw), and not a wood saw.

Note added at 2 hrs (2012-07-04 13:33:49 GMT)

You could, of course, go for a nice safe alternative which leaves various interpretations open, e.g. "lime, metallo.
This would cover "lime per metallo" and "lime di metallo".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Francesco Badolato : Lime per metallo sarebbe stato "metal files". In questo caso, a mio parere, si intende la parte in metallo di ricambio per le lime.//Come da vocabolario tecnico:"file steel" = "acciaio per lime" vedi link che ho proposto
55 mins
So how do you understand "saw metal"? By your reasoning this would have to be "saw blade", not "saw metal". // But it doesn't say "file steel" or "file metal", it says "files metal"
agree Ketty Torre (X) : I totally agree, there simply must be something missing between files and metal. It could also have the meaning of "made of metal", but it would be weird, I can't imagine plastic saws. :P
1 hr
Thanks. What's wrong with plastic saws, though? I believe my son still has one of them... And a plastic power-drill, too! :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie Colin!"
31 mins

metallo per lime

Se fosse "lime per metallo" sarebbe "metal files".

Ho trovato "file steel" = "acciaio per lime"

quindi "files metal" = "metallo per lime".

Note added at 1 ora (2012-07-04 12:25:57 GMT)

A mio giudizio si intende la parte di ricambio di metallo per le lime che si dovessero consumare, spezzare ecc.

Note added at 1 ora (2012-07-04 12:26:50 GMT)

"Si dovesse" non "si dovessero".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Colin Rowe : This would surely have to be "file metal" and not "file*s* metal". Besides, as in your example, surely "steel" would be specified, rather than just "metal". // Vedi risposta alla tua nota.
16 mins
Vedi nota alla tua risposta.
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