Apr 14, 2020 10:56
4 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term

PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern)

COVID-19 GBK English to Korean Medical Medical (general)
Definition from World Health Organization:
An extraordinary event which is determined, as provided in these Regulations: (1) to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease; and/or (2) to potentially require a coordinated international response”. This definition implies a situation that: is serious, unusual or unexpected; carries implications for public health beyond the affected State’s national border; and may require immediate international action.
Example sentences:
The Committee’s role is to give advice to the Director-General, who makes the final decision on the determination of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). (World Health Organization)
Instead, he said, the declaration of a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC, is meant to help support less developed countries and to try to prevent the virus from spreading in those places that are less equipped to detect the disease and handle infections. (STAT News)
One of the most important aspects of IHR (2005) is the requirement that countries detect and report events that may constitute a potential public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)… U.S. government agencies have just 48 hours to assess the situation after learning about a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). (Centers for Disease Control)
Proposed translations (Korean)
5 +2 국제공중보건위기상황(PHEIC)
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Proposed translations

7 hrs


각종 지식사전과 언론 등에서 국제적 공중보건 비상사태로도 표현하고 있습니다.
Definition from 질병관리본부:
* 국제공중보건위기상황 (Public Health Emergency of International Concern)이란? 타 국가로 추가 확산 가능 또는 국제 사회의 공동 대응이 필요할 수 있는 위기 상황으로 현재까지 5차례 선포된 바 있음.
Example sentences:
세계보건기구(WHO)가 30일(현지시간) 신종코로나바이러스 감염증에 대해 국제적 공중보건 비상사태(PHEIC·Public Health Emergency of International Concern)를 선포하자 이번 조치의 효과와 구속력에 관심이 쏠린다. (연합뉴스)
중남미에서 시작된 지카바이러스 유행이 동남아시아로 확산되면서 세계보건기구(WHO)가 '국제 공중보건위기상황(PHEIC, Public Health Emergency of International Concern)'을 선포함에 따라, 질병관리본부가 국내 대응조치를 긴급하게 점검했다. (의협신문)
WHO 국제 공중보건위기상황 선포에 맞춰 국내 상황 및 대응 조치 긴급 점검 보건복지부(장관 : 정진엽)는 최근 남미 지역의 지카바이러스(Zika virus) 감염증*과 관련해 개최된 WHO(세계보건기구) 긴급 대책회의(한국시각 2.1일 21시) 결과 ‘국제 공중보건위기상황(PHEIC, Public Health Emergency of International Concern)’이 선포된 것과 관련하여 금일 위기평가회의를 개최한 결과, 해외에서 국내에 환자가 유입된 사례가 없고 국내 매개모기의 활동이 없는 시기인 만큼, 현재 ‘관심 단계’의 감염병 위기 경보 수준을 유지한다고 발표함 (보건복지부)
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agree Kang Seok Lee
3 days 9 hrs
Thank you.
agree Hyerin Moon
29 days
I appreciate it.
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