Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Norwegian translation:
egenorganisering av turnus
Added to glossary by
Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Dec 15, 2014 13:01
10 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
English to Norwegian
Human Resources
Self-rostering is a form of team-based flexible working where teams work out their own shifts in order to provide as much choice as possible to team members to meet their preferences and circumstances.
Fra en annen nettside:
Self-deployment or self-management refers, in the context of workforce deployment, to processes that involve employees in the making of shift schedules and rosters. Self-deployment practices are, for example:
Shift swapping; where workers are allowed to exchange shifts to better match preferences.
Preference based scheduling: where employee preferences are collected as input to the construction of shift schedules and rosters.
Shift bidding: where workers are enabled to bid for shifts or shift schedules or rosters.
Self-scheduling: where, to a large extend, workers together construct the shift rosters for given workload requirements.
Fra en annen nettside:
Self-deployment or self-management refers, in the context of workforce deployment, to processes that involve employees in the making of shift schedules and rosters. Self-deployment practices are, for example:
Shift swapping; where workers are allowed to exchange shifts to better match preferences.
Preference based scheduling: where employee preferences are collected as input to the construction of shift schedules and rosters.
Shift bidding: where workers are enabled to bid for shifts or shift schedules or rosters.
Self-scheduling: where, to a large extend, workers together construct the shift rosters for given workload requirements.
Proposed translations
3 | egenorganisering av turnus | Hege Jakobsen Lepri |
Change log
Dec 20, 2014 06:11: Hege Jakobsen Lepri Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
1 day 2 hrs
egenorganisering av turnus
Dette er i alle fall forståelig på norsk, og det er det det betyr utfra den konteksten du gir. Jeg har søkt litt, men det ser ikke ut til å være særlig mye i bruk i Norge ved organisering av skift/turnusarbeid, det nærmeste jeg kommer er "forhandlingsturnus" men det har en litt annen betydning enn "self-rostering"
Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2014-12-16 15:42:52 GMT)
selvorganisering ser ut til å være litt mer brukt enn egenorganisering
Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2014-12-16 15:42:52 GMT)
selvorganisering ser ut til å være litt mer brukt enn egenorganisering
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Comment: "Takk for godt forslag!"
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