Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

holder of the ECM

Polish translation:

właściciel ważnego certyfikatu podmiotu odpowiedzialnego za utrzymanie (ang. ECM)

Added to glossary by Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
Jul 26, 2024 15:57
6 mos ago
12 viewers *
English term

holder of the ECM

English to Polish Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) dzierżawa lokomotywy
Umowa dzierżawy lokomotywy sporządzona przez Estończyków. ECM to najprawdopodobniej Entity in Charge of Maintenance, ale co ma do rzeczy ten "holder"?

(...) Keepership & Maintenance
The holder of the ECM of the Lease Object is the Lessor or a third party on behalf of the Lesssor and in agreement with the Lessor. In this case, the responsibility for the ECM functions shall be allocated as follows:
Lessor's responsibility for the ECM functions, namely:
ECM Function l (technical maintenance improvement function)
ECM function II (technical maintenance management function)
ECM Function III (technical maintenance provider function)
shall be provided by a separate contract with a contracting organisation, and ECM IV (maintenance function) shall be provided by the Lessee under a separate contract with a contractor previously agreed with the Lessor. (...)
Change log

Jul 28, 2024 23:07: Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

38 mins

właściciel ważnego certyfikatu podmiotu odpowiedzialnego za utrzymanie (ang. ECM)

Holder of a valid ECM certificate

Note added at 3 hrs (2024-07-26 19:57:21 GMT)

The purpose of the ECM certification is to ensure that the unit responsible for the maintenance has an approved maintenance control system, meets the requirements of the EU Regulation 445/2011 and can guarantee that the freight wagons the unit is responsible for are in safe condition.

The non-monetised benefit is that ORR will be able to monitor compliance by an
ECM certificate holder operating in all premises.

The former EESSTY S.A. is the sole Entity in Charge of Maintenance of Freight Wagons
and Rail vehicles in general, holder of a valid ECM certificate with regard to freight wagons. As already mentioned, in 2019 EESSTY S.A. was merged by acquisition by
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