Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

buffy coats

Serbian translation:

sloj(evi) istaloženih leukocita i trombocita

Added to glossary by Veronica Prpic Uhing
Oct 20, 2006 10:40
18 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term

buffy coats

English to Serbian Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
The starting material, the buffy coats, can be used for the production of the IMMODIN only after a 6 month lasting quarantine

Proposed translations

1 hr

sloj(evi) istaloženih leukocita i trombocita

Buffy coat is the fraction of a centrifugated blood sample that contains most of the white blood cells. After centrifugation, one can distinguish a layer of clear fluid (the plasma), a layer of red fluid containing most of the red blood cells, and a thin layer in between, the buffy coat (so-called because it is usually buff in hue), with most of the white blood cells and platelets. The buffy coat is used, for example, to extract DNA from the blood of mammals (since mammalian red blood cells do not contain DNA). za download/KRVNE STANI... izvod...

sloj istaloženih leukocita i trombocita “buffy coat”
Peer comment(s):

agree drhukic (X) : ili cvrsti dio centrifugata, rekoh da ne duplamo slicne odgovore
3 hrs
agree Mira Stepanovic
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala"
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