Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

to perform labour

Spanish translation:

hacer trabajos forzados

Added to glossary by Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Oct 13, 2021 20:41
3 yrs ago
27 viewers *
English term

to perform labour

English to Spanish Other History Libro sobre el totalitarismo
Only in the Tepelena camp, more than 300 children died. From
1954, concentration camps gave way to hundreds
of camps for life-long internment in remote places
of the country which existed until 1991. In these
camps, families lived in barracks on a few acres of
land where they had to perform labour. Guarded
by armed forces, they had roll calls several times
a day.

P.S. Supongo que se refiere a "to perform forced labour", realizar trabajos forzados, ¿no?
Change log

Oct 18, 2021 17:56: Beatriz Ramírez de Haro Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

16 mins

hacer/realizar trabajos forzados

Forced or compulsory labour is prohibited, but reports indicate that police officers have forced some people to perform labour as a form of punishment.
El trabajo forzado u obligadorio está prohibido, pero los informes indican que los agentes de policía obligan a algunas personas a realizar trabajos forzados como parte del castigo.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mónica Algazi
1 hr
Gracias Mónica - Bea
agree Emiliano Pantoja
11 hrs
Gracias Emiliano - Bea
agree Orkoyen (X)
12 hrs
Gracias Orkoyen - Bea
agree Victoria Frazier
2 days 3 hrs
Gracias Victoria- Bea
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias :) Saludos Guillermo"
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