Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

bridge plug

Ukrainian translation:


Added to glossary by Vladyslav Golovaty
Jan 18, 2013 14:16
11 yrs ago
English term

bridge plug

English to Ukrainian Tech/Engineering Geology контракт
(1) Production Logging: full bore spinner with water influx detection; CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with raw data and optional interpretation if requested.

(2) Perforating : Guns for 10 stages (200m net total interval); Options for both big hole and deep penetrating charges;

a. Gamma Ray/CCL/CBL combination tool shall be available for initial logging. CCL only shall be used for correlation of all stage perforating
b. Wireline perforation guns shall be no larger than 2-7/8” outer diameter
c. Addressable switches shall be available for use during plug and perforating operations;
d. Both conventional and radio safe detonators shall be available in country for perforating operations

(3) Setting bridge plugs
o Setting tools, and adaptors must be provided. Other BHA components will be required.
o Plan to run bridge plug in conjunction with perforating guns
(4) Running a gauge ring (or other diagnostic tools)

(5) Cased hole logging
a. Radial bond log (CBL)/CCL/GR Log
b. Temperature gradient logging
Change log

Feb 19, 2013 08:25: Vladyslav Golovaty Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

3 hrs


є проблема вибору:
bridge plug 1) пробка-міст (для ліквідації свердловини) 2) пакер-пробка (обладнання обсадної колони) 3) глуха пробка; глуха черевична (т.зв. башмачна) насадка
оскільки є план to run bridge plug in conjunction with perforating guns
perforating gun - стріляючий перфоратор, кульовий перфоратор
то пакер-пробка видається зручнішим варіантом
Example sentence:

пакер-пробка - (оборудование обсадной колонны) bridge plug. Русско-английский индекс к Большому англо-русскому политехническому словарю (online ...

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Спасибо"
6 mins

мостова пробка

не бачу проблеми

Note added at 8 mins (2013-01-18 14:24:52 GMT)

чи пробка-міст
Peer comment(s):

agree Lilia_vertaler
13 mins
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