This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Jun 20 11:08
3 mos ago
23 viewers *
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Accounting immobilier
"Frais accessoires
Le locataire prend en charge les frais de chauffage et d'eau chaude selon les modalités prévues aux articles 5 à 8 de l'OBLF.
Il participe en outre, avec les autres locataires, au paiement des autres frais accessoires suivants qui font l'objet d'un décompte annuel séparé ou de rubriques distinctes du compte de chauffage et d'eau chaude :
taxe d'épuration des eaux (entretien et utilisation) ;
taxe d'égout ;
taxe relative au tri, à l'évacuation et au traitement des déchets ;
ainsi que :
A défaut d'indication contraire, la répartition des frais accessoires se fait au prorata des volumes des différents locaux.
Lorsque les frais de chauffage, d'eau chaude et les autres frais accessoires sont perçus à titre de forfait, aucun décompte annuel ne sera établi par le bailleur.
Les frais administratifs pour l'établissement du décompte annuel de chauffage et d'eau chaude sont prévus dans les directives cantonales.
Ceux pour rétablissement du décompte annuel de frais accessoires s'élèvent au taux usuel de 5 % (HT) sur le montant global des frais."

This seems to imply a previous "production" of the detailed accounts... but then you get charged 5% of the total cost of these "accessories" for a new ... something. That would seem a bit steep just for a new printout. Maybe this is an accounting term which might mean something fitting the context to someone with accounting knowledge ... (er, calling Rob Grayson?)


Rob Grayson Jun 20:
@Daryo Yes, I do remember that, especially since I used to work for one of the big four high street banks that was serially guilty of such excesses…
Daryo Jun 20:
@ Rob Grayson You remember the outrageous amounts UK banks use to charge - before getting a slap on the wrist - for sending mass printed letters "informing you that your have an unauthorised overdraft on your account"?

The kind of money that would pay for a calligraphated letter on parchemin express delivered by courier...
Emmanuella Jun 20:
Cette somme sera réglée par tous les locataires. La Suisse, c'est cher !
Rob Grayson Jun 20:
So if you want a breakdown of your frais accessoires, you have to stump up 5% of the total amount of the frais in question?! That seems rather preposterous.
Mpoma (asker) Jun 20:
confirmed OCR error yup, Phil is right on this occasion. Client confirmed.

I still think this is pushing the boundaries of plausibility, in terms of the cost. Remind me never to rent a business premises in der Schweiz.

Will delete the question shortly.
Emmanuella Jun 20:
Je n'ai pas écrit que j'en suis sûre mais que 'c'est mon impression'.
Merci d'indiquer un lien qui renvoie à votre affirmation.
Rob Grayson Jun 20:
It's possible that it's a typo but I don't think we can say with certainty that it is.
Emmanuella Jun 20:
'Ceux pour rétablissement' sans l'article sonne faux, en ce qui me concerne, i.e :
les frais pour [ ] rétablissement.
Rob Grayson Jun 20:
I'm not convinced it's a typo For starters, "pour rétablissement" is not unusual, as a quick Google search will confirm. Moreover, a search for "rétablissement du décompte" also generates a decent number of hits.
Emmanuella Jun 20:
C'est bien mon impression.
philgoddard Jun 20:
It could be a typo for 'l'établissement', which would explain the missing definite article.
Rob Grayson Jun 20:
My reading… …is the same as yours: I assume that the tenant is provided with an annual breakdown/statement of these "incidental" charges, but if they want another one, they have to pay extra for it (though I do agree that 5% of the relevant charges seems a bit steep to say the least!). No matter how many times I read this, I'm struggling to come up with a different interpretation that makes sense of "rétablissement".

I should add that I have no particular expertise when it comes to tenancy agreements, encore moins in Switzerland. I did find this page though, which, while it doesn't answer your specific question about "rétablissement du décompte", is helpful in understanding the overall situation as regards tenancy-related charges:
Mpoma (asker) Jun 20:
Swiss! Sorry, forgot to mention (although the mention of directives cantonales gives the game away).

Proposed translations

16 mins

drawing up

I assume they've said 'rétablissement' rather than 'etablissement' because a statement is drawn up each year.

Note added at 18 mins (2024-06-20 11:26:06 GMT)

So you could say 'drawing up subsequent annual statements'.

Note added at 1 hr (2024-06-20 12:20:54 GMT)

It could also be a typo for 'l'établissement'. My translation works either way.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Rob Grayson : Why would the charge for the first statement be laid down in cantonal directives but not for subsequent ones? / Fair point, but your answer still implies no charge for the first statement but a charge for subsequent ones. That doesn't make sense to me.
9 mins
No, the charge for the heating and hot water statement is laid down in cantonal directives, and the charge for the other 'frais accessoires' is 5%. // I didn't imply there was no charge for the first statement. We don't know how much it is.
agree Emmanuella
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

(year-end) adjustment ; re-issuing ex post facto

namely: re-issu(anc)e ex post facto.

Doesn't matter that the question is closed and the clients also think it is a typo or that isn't prefixed with the def. art. of 'le'..

NB I'm in another Alpine Republic where it is a matter of routine to get clobbered end-of-year with amd for a revised statement of service charges.

Peer comment(s):

disagree Emmanuella : Le client est roi. OCR error
11 hrs
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