Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
architecture d\'auteur
English translation:
signature architecture
French term
architecture d'auteur
Article for a magazine
XXXXX, tel est le nom de cette tour qui affiche sans détours les objectifs de ses commanditaires: édifier une architecture d'auteur pour commercialiser au prix fort des appartements de haut standing.
If I'm right, the idea is to ask a well-known architect to design a building (here a skyscraper), giving it a particular identity, allowing the promoter to sell the apartments at outrageous prices, but is there a term for this ?
2 +7 | signature architecture | Claire Nolan |
3 +1 | signature architecture | Barbara Carrara |
Non-PRO (1): Lara Barnett
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Proposed translations
signature architecture
Franz Fuerst, Patrick McAllister, Claudia B Murray
Received 21 October 2009; in revised form 23 June 2010
Abstract. This study investigates whether commercial offices designed by ‘signature architects’ in the United States achieve rental premiums compared with commercial offices designed by nonsignature architects.
Note added at 19 mins (2011-07-20 16:45:17 GMT)
Urban Konsumterror is a critique of the condition of architecture in the contemporary city. The use of SIGNATURE ARCHITECTURE to draw in tourist dollars is nothing more than a game of architectural Pac-Man.
When you say ‘Bilbao,’ you refer to a building by Frank Gehry. The city’s identity no longer matters. All imaginative and financial capacity for real urban interventions is consumed by SIGNATURE ARCHITECTURE.
signature architecture
'This study investigates whether commercial offices designed by ‘signature architects’ in the United States achieve rental premiums compared with commercial offices designed by nonsignature architects. Focusing on buildings designed by winners of the Pritzker Prize and the Gold Medal awarded by the American Institute of Architects, we create a sample of commercial office buildings designed by signature architects, drawing on CoStar’s comprehensive national database. We use a combination of hedonic regression model and a logit model to estimate the various price determinants. The results of the hedonic analysis suggest that, compared with buildings in the same submarket, office buildings designed by signature architects have rents that are 5% – 7% higher, and sell for prices 17% higher. The results from the second-stage logit estimation suggest a rental premium of approximately 5% for signature architects in large architectural practices, while the sales-price premium identified in the first stage hedonic regression was not confirmed.'
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