Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

"rosace de securite"

English translation:

safety escutcheon

Added to glossary by Ken Fagan (X)
Jan 19, 2008 12:48
17 yrs ago
10 viewers *
French term

"rosace de securite"

French to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) safety locks
"Si le cylindre est en saillie du cote exterieur, il doit etre protege par une rosace de securite"
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 safety escutcheon
2 safety cuff
Change log

Jan 22, 2008 20:55: Ken Fagan (X) Created KOG entry


Tony M Jan 19, 2008:
Psst, Ken: your second term should be asked as a separate question, if you really want to know it...! ;-)
Ken Fagan (X) (asker) Jan 19, 2008:
followed by, in parentheses... "c.a.d. un cache exterieur destine a empecher son bris" [if you can tell me what "cache exterieur" means, that would be great too:)]

Proposed translations

3 hrs

safety escutcheon

On "old" doors with keyholes, the escutcheon is the largely decorative piece of metal around the hole serving multiple purposes:
- decoration
- protection of the wood, so it doesn't get worn by multiple key entry,
- guide for aligning the key straight
-reflective material making it easier to find the lock in dim light.

In your case, it will be a rounded / cupped / dished piece of metal around the protruding lock cylinder so that attempts to whack the cylinder with a hammer will be largely defeated, the escutcheon diverting the blow.

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-01-19 16:09:40 GMT)

Fitted from 1966 with the door safety escutcheon boss also fitted.This boss is available as 24A1834 and gasket 24A1835 ...

exterior safety escutcheon. -interior safety escutcheon. -screws. •. cable: EL648 – 8853, EL650 – 8855. •. loose magnetic contact: 8951/8952 ...

50 Ø x H mm safety escutcheon. for profile cylinder, 50 Ø x 2 mm .... with safety escutcheon and bush at the. top for handle. Threaded lugs ...

Silly me! SECURITY escutcheon would be much better.
Chubb Security Escutcheon - Souber RR1 Repair Rose ...

And as this site says, a security escutcheon also prevents people drilling into the lock (quite so quickly) :

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-01-19 16:10:49 GMT)

Your second term should be self-explanatory now.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
8 mins

safety cuff

Maybe? Not sure whether I got the right picture, but many google hits for s. c. in connection with locks.
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