Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Ega
Aug 27, 2009 10:53
15 yrs ago
French term


French to English Art/Literary Music
the term was taken from a press review about the pianist's work for the theater and here is the full sentence:" Les moyens sont toujours simples: un piano parfois "transfiguré"... rarement une clarinette ou un violoncelle, à peine une percussion... un allegretto chaloupé qui donne envie d'embrasser sa voisine ou une soprano qui vocalise avec légèreté et nous avertit d'un danger, nous transmet une douleur indicible."
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 rolling
3 +1 lilting
3 undulating

Proposed translations

8 mins


or swaying
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agree Lianne Wilson
4 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci!"
2 hrs


might sound good here:
undulate – Dictionary definition of undulate | ...
move with a smooth wavelike motion: her body undulated to the thumping rhythm of the music. ∎ [usu. adj.] (undulating) have a wavy form or outline: ... - Cached - SimilarDance Review - New York Flamenco Festival - Happily Undulating ...
16 Feb 2009 ... Happily Undulating, Hand to Foot ... Twenty years ago I heard a flamenco artist state, “Flamenco to taped music is not real flamenco. ... - SimilarDancing spirits: rhythms and rituals of Haitian Vodun, the Rada rite - Google Books Result
by Gerdès Fleurant - 1996 - Music - 209 pages
... the signpost music of the Rada rite, is an undulating music/dance. Therefore, it may not be unusual that the whole complex song/dance/drumming undulate ...
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3 hrs


"a lilting gait"; the idea being that the allegretto doesn't move in a monotonously regular rhythm, but sways beguilingly with a suggestion of a lurch (cf. "un pas chaloupé": "a lurching gait") or lilt.
Peer comment(s):

agree Sandra Petch
47 mins
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