Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


Croatian translation:

granični korijum (corium limbi)

Added to glossary by bonafide1313
This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Feb 3, 2009 20:07
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to Croatian Medical Livestock / Animal Husbandry Veterinary anatomy
Ausgehend vom Loch im Hornschuh unterminiert die Infektion auch das benachbarte Horn und frisst Gänge und Löcher. Dieser prozess ist für die Kuh sehr schmerzhaft. Dramatisch wird die Situation, wenn die Bakterien die Saumlederhaut befallen. Das passiert häufig, wenn ein Wanddefekt nach oben durchbricht. Es entsteht ein Hornspalt, der mit Dreck und keimen gefüllt ist und manchmal bis an den Tragrand geht.
Proposed translations (Croatian)
5 periople
Change log

Feb 5, 2009 00:29: bonafide1313 Created KOG entry


bonafide1313 (asker) Feb 5, 2009:
Aha, i ja sad vidim da je sve OK, gore je u glosariju, mislila sam da možda nije prihvatilo
Sladjana Spaic Feb 5, 2009:
Tek sam sada vidjela prevod u gornjem polju! Hvala!
Sladjana Spaic Feb 5, 2009:
Kako se kaze na CRO? Bilo bi nam vrlo korisno da i mi znamo. ;) Puno hvala!
bonafide1313 (asker) Feb 5, 2009:
Thank you both, Sladjana and Jochen, you have helped me a lot, the Latin term led me to the Croatian translation.
bonafide1313 (asker) Feb 4, 2009:
Hvala puno Sladjana, ne znam ako si vidjela, napisala sam Jochenu da sam pomoću latinskog uspjela naći jednu hrvatsku varijantu. Sačekat ću još malo, možda netko stavi neki hrvatski prijedlog - da se dobiju neki bodovi:) -, ako ne, zatvorit ću pitanje i staviti rješenje koje sam ja našla. Puno ste mi pomogli ovim latinskim, to je ipak, barem u medicini, jedna dosta sigurna poveznica.
Sladjana Spaic Feb 4, 2009:
Prijedlog Trazila sam malo po internetu, ali nisam nista pametno nasla. Ako ne nadjes adekvatan prevod. Predlozila bih ti da "Saumlederhaut" prevedes "Corium limbi". To je latinski, te ne mozes nikako pogrijesiti, jer taj termin je stucnjacima sigutno poznat. :))

Proposed translations

30 mins


Siehe die Links.

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-02-03 22:40:31 GMT)

Oops, I must've been mistaken. Sorry! Somehow I thought this was about DE->EN. Anyhow, please consider this as a reference.
Note from asker:
Thank you very much, great links! Jochen, did you intend to propose the term for Croatian translation?
It's OK, Jochen - as I already said the references are extremely useful.
Actually, they helped me a lot, I've just found the Croatian term on the basis of corium limbi:))
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Reference comments

11 mins

Note from asker:
Puno hvala Sladjana na korisnom linku!
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