Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

Divisi Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi

English translation:

a division of the Technological Development Centre

Added to glossary by ilta
May 21, 2006 04:48
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Indonesian term

Divisi Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi

Indonesian to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Ia telah bekerja pada Divisi Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi

Proposed translations

1 hr

a division of the Technological Development Centre

Technological Development Centre is a straight forward equivalent of 'Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi'
With the limited context provided, it is not easy to be sure of the meaning of 'Divisi'. I give one possibility but there may be others.
Peer comment(s):

agree Hipyan Nopri
50 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
14 days

Technology Development Center/Division

He has worked at Technology Dev Center (or Dev Div).

Indonesian organizations -- especially governmental ones-- sometimes overuse words in naming their units. In western world, a division is a unit as well as a center. But Indonesian may mix them out of exaggeration or smugness or foolishness or any combination of these.

You better cross check whether the unit is actually a "Divisi" or a "Pusat". Try check names of other units.

There is a slight difference between "Technology Dev" and "Technological Dev". I guess the second refers to something to do with technology (application, impact), but not the technology itself (improvement, new method).
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