Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Catherine Muir
This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Jul 12, 2011 03:11
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Indonesian term


Indonesian to English Tech/Engineering Mining & Minerals / Gems mineral exploration
At first, I thought this was a typographical error and was meant to be 'mendirikan' but that is not the case. The are 221 Google hits on 'meneirikan' including:
"...kemasan tersebut akan dapat meneirikan brand atau merek yang dia bawa dan mudah dikenali oleh konsumen, dan konsumenpun menilai bahwa kemasan kopi Kapal Api ..."
"Gagne (1977) telah meneirikan LIMA (5) jenis pembelajaran dalam latihan."
and so forth.

In the context of the sentence "Berdasarkan data unsur major, trace, and rare earth, satuan ini meneirikan seri kalk-alkalin yang berasal dari busur kepulauan." how should 'meneirikan' be translated?
Change log

Jul 12, 2011 05:09: Catherine Muir Created KOG entry

Jul 12, 2011 05:10: Catherine Muir changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/13030">Catherine Muir's</a> old entry - "mencirikan"" to ""is characterized by""


Catherine Muir (asker) Jul 12, 2011:
No more answers need be posted... Ian has unraveled the mystery, so please don't bother posting any other suggestions.
Hipyan Nopri Jul 12, 2011:
It must be 'mencirikan' (to characterize) I agree with Ian.
Catherine Muir (asker) Jul 12, 2011:
Duh! Of course! You are absolutely right! Even in the document I'm working on, every 'c' has become an 'e'. For example, 'cm' is 'em' every time. The obvious is so often the most elusive! Shall I close the question?
Ian Forbes Jul 12, 2011:
At a guess I would say it is meant to be 'mencirikan'. When I lived in Indonesia our OCR scanner was always turning 'ini' into 'mi' :)
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