Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Penelope Ausejo
May 21, 2004 21:55
20 yrs ago
39 viewers *
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Bus/Financial Accounting
As "diferenças de consolidação negativas" estão igualmente evidenciadas nas "Imobilizações Incorpóreas", de acordo com o parágrafo 64 da NIC 22, sendo reconhecidas como proveitos na demonstração dos resultados (na medida em que se relacionam com expectativas de prejuízos e gastos futuros que estejam identificados no plano do **adquirente**) quando os futuros prejuízos e gastos forem reconhecidos.

Proposed translations

12 mins


but maybe I would use the entity (or person)who might incur them
Peer comment(s):

agree Juan L Lozano : absolutely
9 mins
Thx jauncles :)
neutral Donna Sandin : is there something wrong with using "purchaser" here?
14 mins
nothing wrong, but acquired is closer to the source word and it is "someone that acquires something" besides it is a term widely used in business. I don't see what the problem is though...
agree KirstyMacC (X) : acquirer is accurate as for payment or otherwise. Purchaser would be wrong for a beneficiary under a Will.
10 hrs
Thx Counsel :)
agree Henrique Magalhaes
1 day 12 hrs
Thx Henrique :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
55 mins


Outra sugestão.
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10 hrs

transferee/grantee already in KudoZ glossary

I prefer the neutral transferor/ transferee dichotomy.
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15 hrs

n comprador, adquirente.
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