Apr 24, 2015 21:11
9 yrs ago
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Other Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Subtitles
A black woman has just heard some racist things and is insulting them back: 'pulas com manias de grandeza.'

From what I gather, 'pulas' is a word Africans from Portuguese colonies use (or used) to call western Europeans.

Could there be an equivalent word in English (or something similar)?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Nick Taylor Apr 25, 2015:
Pidgin English is appropriate here oyinbo
Nigerian (Yoruba) word for a white man. Commonly used in Pidgin English
rir Apr 24, 2015:
porque tambem tem branco angolano.... https://maquinazero.wordpress.com/2006/07/31/brancos-em-ango...

e afinal o brasileiro mestico tambem eh pula...
rir Apr 24, 2015:
existe uma certa confusao na utilizacao do termo pulas, mesmo em Angola.....tem quem diga que sao pulas ou tugas, portanto imigrantes portugueses la em Angola, e quem diga que sao imigrantes ocidentais brancos em Angola, e nao qualquer imigrante noutros paises.
pulas ou tugas, sao os portugueses que vieram instalar-se em Angola

Tania Pires (asker) Apr 24, 2015:
@ Muriel The original term began being used in Africa but they also use it outside of Africa now.
I already used whities for another African slang and I searched honkies on the internet and it seems to give out the same idea, so I'm probably going with that one, unless someone comes up with a better suggestion ;)
Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Apr 24, 2015:
Outside Africa Ir depends on whether you want a term used in Africa or outside Africa. I voted for 'honkies' because it seems more universal. See definition:

Proposed translations

19 mins


Note from asker:
Thanks Nick!
Peer comment(s):

agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : This is better for UK and US English, IMO. That's what black people use outside Africa.
45 mins
Thanks Muriel
agree rir : http://www.almaany.com/en/dict/en-pt/honkie/
2 hrs
thanks rir
disagree Julia Pedro : Honkies does not apply to this context (within the Lusophony)
10 hrs
Lusophony???? The asker requires a translation!!!! What ARE YOU GETTING AT?????
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This seemed closer to the context. Thanks!"
6 mins


It's a derrogative term used in Angola, mainly in Luanda's slang. It refers to white people.
Note from asker:
Thanks, but I already used this for 'branquela'...
Peer comment(s):

agree Lázaro Borges : Awesome! Just Learnin' !
0 min
agree Claudio Mazotti
46 mins
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2 hrs
5 hrs


Pulas => Crackers

Cracker | Define Cracker at Dictionary.com

Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a white person in the South, especially a poor white living in some rural parts of the ...
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree Julia Pedro : cracker has a poor social status connotation, right? I don't think it's the case here.
6 hrs
another alternative
agree Marian Vieyra : Only for US.
1 day 4 hrs
same as honkies - Only for USA
Something went wrong...
1 day 10 hrs

White trash [putting on airs and graces]

There are more American terms for this kind of racial slur from black people about white people - including white trash; although we are more than familiar with honkies/whities etc.
Note from asker:
Thanks Marian!
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