Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

Integralizar (ao solo)

English translation:


Added to glossary by Tissot
Oct 6, 2008 10:12
16 yrs ago
Portuguese term

Integralizar (ao solo)

Portuguese to English Tech/Engineering Computers: Systems, Networks Comunicação Wireless Network
aterramento com XX hastes do tipo XX, com conexões exotérmicas, a serem cravadas por profundidade e interligadas com cabo de cobre nu XX mm² e integralizadas ao solo por composto mineral natural, não tóxico, não corrosivo, insolúvel ...

Proposed translations

1 hr


Meu caro Tissot (belo nome!)

Frequentemente hastes de aterramento são enterradas junto com composto que melhore a condutividade do solo. Na minha época, já fazem algumas dezenas de anos, usava-se carvão.
Procurando nessa linha, encontrei materiais chamados de GROUND ENHANCER baseados em pó de carvão que parecem realizar essa tarefa.
Veja exemplo:
"To improve conductivity of a grounding system we recommend using Ground Enhancement Material (GEM). Only rarely do grounding system designers and contractors get to work on a site with good grounding conditions. Even under ideal circumstances, soil structure can vary and make it difficult to achieve uniform, low levels of resistivity across a wide area. Under almost all soil conditions, the use of a ground enhancement material will improve grounding effectiveness. Some are permanent and require no maintenance. When selecting a ground enhancement material be sure it is compatible with the ground rod, conductor and connection material."

Note added at 1 hora (2008-10-06 11:32:49 GMT)

GEM is a low-resistance, non-corrosive, carbon dust based material that improves grounding effectiveness, expecially in areas of poor conductivity. GEM contains cement, which hardens when set to provide a permanent, maintenance-free, low-resistant grounding system that never leaches or washes away.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigado Erik. Thank you all for your answers."
1 min

connected (to the ground)

Será isto??
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9 mins

laid into the ground

Plastic pipe to be laid in the ground. - Patent EP0474583The plastic pipe (1) may be laid directly into the ground, e.g. by a continuous laying method, such as ploughing, as the thermoplastic rubber hose (3) is ... - Similar pages
by TF Hansen - 1992 - All 3 versions
Peer comment(s):

agree Claudio Mazotti
2 mins
Thanks, Claudio!
disagree erik b : grounding is not made of PLASTIC MATERIAL!!!! Nor are the steel rods LAID, but INSERTED, RAMMMED, or something.
1 hr
Ok, that was quite a strong response on your part! The explanation above was just a cut-and-pasted excerpt from a website to show that pipes are laid into the ground.
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