Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:

to go inland/to the countryside

Added to glossary by Vidomar (X)
Aug 24, 2008 23:20
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy distance education
"O CEFET-SC ao INTERIORIZAR e expandir seus cursos via modalidade a distância, estará ampliando sua contribuição para a elevação de nível de escolaridade da população, oportunizando a inserção no mercado do trabalho, incentivando a atitude empreendedora (...)"
Change log

Aug 24, 2008 23:20: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Aug 24, 2008 23:25: Lúcia Leitão changed "Language pair" from "English to Portuguese" to "Portuguese to English"


Vidomar (X) (asker) Aug 25, 2008:
Realmente, trata-se de expandir o ensino para o interior do Brasil. Assim, não creio que "internalize" seja apropriado. Alguém tem mais alguma sugestão?
Lúcia Leitão Aug 25, 2008:
Fiz uma pesquisa e é provável que o karl tenha razão e eu não vi bem a questão. Talvez por ser um termo cujo sentido "levar para o interior" desconhecia mas vi várias ref. ao mesmo nesse sentido. Levar cursos, formação, para zonas do interior
Rafael Anselmé Aug 25, 2008:
Olha, estou achando que este verbo se refere ao ato de levar para o interior do Estado. Alguém concorda?

Proposed translations

7 hrs

"(...) when going inland/to the countryside and expanding its courses (...)"

É o mais próximo que consegui chegar até o momento.
Peer comment(s):

agree Paula Vaz-Carreiro : This is the right idea.
1 hr
agree Maria José Tavares (X)
1 hr
Obrigada também!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I wish I could award the points to both Felida and Paula. Thanks to you all, folks!"
5 mins


in·ter·nal·ize (n-tûrn-lz)
tr.v. in·ter·nal·ized, in·ter·nal·iz·ing, in·ter·nal·iz·es
1. To make internal, personal, or subjective: "Protean man internalizes the longing for immortality through an ongoing process of death and rebirth within himself" Henry S. Resnik.
2. To take in and make an integral part of one's attitudes or beliefs: had internalized the cultural values of the Poles after a year of living in Warsaw. - 30k -
Peer comment(s):

agree Katarina Peters : right on
8 mins
Obrigada Katarina!
agree Marlene Curtis
8 mins
Obrigada Marlene!
agree rhandler
17 mins
Obrigada rhandler. Uma boa semana também
agree Claudio Mazotti : bingo!
29 mins
Obrigada Cláudio
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8 hrs

going into the interior

I think you are right Vidomar and that they mean, "take education into the interior of the country". felida's choice of 'inland' is good, methinks, but it doesn't work if you don't turn the sentence around a bit in order to make it work.

By going into the interior and expanding its courses through distance learning, CEFET-SC is increasing its contribution [...]
By going inland and expanding its courses through distance learning, CEFET-SC is increasing its contribution [...]

Peer comment(s):

agree felidaevampire : "The interior" is best, indeed (but note I gave the "countryside" option, so I'm only half dumb :)). :) :) :)
12 hrs
You are not at all dumb! I thought your "inland" very good, and I hesitated a lot about giving a separate answer but I did have an answers with essential differences. Thanks :-)
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14 hrs

going into the inside

My suggestion...
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Reference comments

45 mins

Neste caso, não seria "interiorizar" = "ir para o interior", ou seja, a organização se expandiu para o interior? Caso seja, a tradução não seria "internalize"!

Note added at 47 mins (2008-08-25 00:07:03 GMT)

Estou concordando com "karlh".
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