Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Portuguese term or phrase:
cota de rebaixamento
English translation:
drawdown elevation
Added to glossary by
Beatriz Souza
Jun 28, 2009 21:42
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term
cota de rebaixamento
Portuguese to English
O sistema deverá operar por 3 meses até estabilizar o nível da água na cota de rebaixamento desejada. Durante este período, a vazão das águas subterrâneas extraídas pelo sistema Mult Phase Extraction deverá decair até a condição de regime estacionário.
Proposed translations
3 +2 | drawdown elevation | Beatriz Souza |
4 | water level drawdown | Marlene Curtis |
3 | elevation of lowering | maria schettini |
3 | lowering cited | Oakie620 |
Change log
May 29, 2010 18:05: Beatriz Souza Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
12 hrs
drawdown elevation
uma sugestão associativa, eu diria...
bom trabalho!
bom trabalho!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Obrigada, Beatriz!"
21 mins
elevation of lowering
5 hrs
lowering cited
Sug : to the lowering measurement desired
Terms taken from po/en and en/po dictionaries
Note added at 5 hrs (2009-06-29 03:25:05 GMT)
Sorry, my answer was intended to read: ``cited lowering´´.
Terms taken from po/en and en/po dictionaries
Note added at 5 hrs (2009-06-29 03:25:05 GMT)
Sorry, my answer was intended to read: ``cited lowering´´.
1 day 23 hrs
water level drawdown
Optimization and rationalization of karst groundwater resource in ... keeping the water level drawdown within an acceptable level. .... The quota are. 3060 m. 3. /ha in 50% precipitation years, 3615 m ...
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