Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:

Equatorial climate

Added to glossary by A Sturmer
Jun 3, 2008 09:42
16 yrs ago
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Science Meteorology type of climate
Tipo de clima, onde a temperatura do mes mais frio superior a 20 graus, sem periodo seco e com pluviosidade acentuada
Change log

Jun 3, 2008 09:56: Marcos de Lima changed "Language pair" from "English to Portuguese" to "Portuguese to English"


A Sturmer (asker) Jun 3, 2008:
Portuguese to English Translation from Portuguese to English, please (my mistake!)

Proposed translations

35 mins

Equatorial climate


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Eutermaxérico. T do mais frio 15ºc. 6a. 6. (equatorial). 20ºc. 0. 0. Termaxérico. Hipotermaxérico. T do mês mais frio compreendida. 6b. (subequatorial) ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
4 hrs

tropical rain forest climate

Tropical climates are characterized by constant high temperature (at sea level and low elevations) — all twelve months of the year have average temperatures of 18 °C (64.4 °F) or higher. They are subdivided as follows:
Tropical rain forest climate (Af):[3] All twelve months have average precipitation of at least 60 mm (2.36 inches). These climates usually occur within 5-10° latitude of the equator.öppen_climate_classification
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