Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Christina Moreira
Dec 10, 2006 01:35
18 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Other Real Estate Memorial descritivo

Eu preciso de ajuda com o termo em inglês equivalente para "loteamentos". Contexto:

**Projetos ambientais de loteamentos e distritos industriais.**




Christina Moreira (asker) Dec 12, 2006:
Esclarecimento Olá a todos.

Depois de rever mais uma vez as sugestões, depois que novas notas foram adicionadas pelo airmailpl, eu cheguei à conclusão que a resposta que mais se adequa AO MEU CASO é "subdivisions". Eu já tinha ido no link específico dado pelo airmailpl no, e mesmo assim não prestei atenção em certos detalhes. No próprio eu vi a definição de "Housing developments" e optei por ela.

"Housing Developments" também está certo, mas está mais ligado, pelo que eu pude entender, a loteamentos de casas padronizadas, já construídas, e "subdvisions" tem a ver com a divisão da terra em si. Ou seja, ambas as respostas se adequam, dependendo do contexto.

Eu revi a inclusão no glossário, mas não tive como rever os pontos já dados.



Proposed translations

10 hrs

housing developments

Projetos ambientais de loteamentos e distritos industriais

Environmental projects for housing developments and industrial parks
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigada a Lumen e todos que ajudaram. Christina."
8 mins


If it is realated to houses that´s how I would say it.

If it refers to any other kind I would say division into lots.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Henrique Magalhaes : PA mim é a mistura dos dois: 'lot development'...
7 hrs
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2 hrs


tr.v. lot·ted, lot·ting, lots
1. To apportion by lots; allot.
2. To divide (land) into lots.

A delimitação dos lotes e a definição dos espaços privados, para efeito de ... ]salvo quando o loteamento. se destinar à urbanização específica
Peer comment(s):

agree Susy Ordaz
5 hrs
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14 hrs

housing estates

An alternative term to "development", particularly in the UK, though I'm not sure if it is as common in the US. In this case, loteamentos is more than just individual "lots" - it refers to areas of land which have been cleared and prepared for housing/industrial units, with the installation of water and electricity amenities, roads etc, all of which are part of the "loteamento".
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8 hrs


The Village of Glen Carbon Subdivisions
Like many growing communities, Glen Carbon is made up of many subdivisions and homeowner associations. If your Glen Carbon subdivision or homeowner ...

Subdivision Browser: Home Page
Now users can quickly find Subdivisions and retrieve valuable information about each Subdivision and review the Subdivision plat images online. ...

California Department of Real Estate: Subdivisions Submenu Page
This page contains general information on subdivisions, including subdivision-related seminars, common interest developments, subdivision-related forms, ...

Mississippi Subdivisions is one of Mississippi, MS largest real estate database of new subdivisions and going for the Largest in state homes for sale by realtors, ...

Note added at 8 hrs (2006-12-10 10:03:24 GMT)


Tract of land divided into lots suitable for home-building purposes. Most states and localities require that a subdivision Plat be recorded.

Note added at 2 days6 hrs (2006-12-12 08:17:51 GMT) Post-grading

Results 1 - 10 of about 17,400,000 for "Subdivisions "

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,200,000 for "housing developments".
(most of which are UK sites)
Note from asker:
Oi, Obrigada pela sua ajuda. Eu já coloquei esclarecimentos na resposta escolhida. Já quanto a "Housing Developments" ser um termo do Reino Unido, não necessariamente. Um depto dos EUA usa o termo housing development em sua nomenclatura. O número menor de ocorrências para "housing developments" acontece por ele ser mais específico que "subdivisions". "Housing Development" me pareceu ser um tipo específico de "subdivision". Obrigada mais uma vez, Christina.
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