Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
English translation:
- The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2013-04-08 19:54:07 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Apr 5, 2013 12:06
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Romanian term
Romanian to English
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Contextul este următorul:
„(....)a folosit în premieră o cameră purtată pe șine.
De lemn, pe atunci, dar care oferea filmului mai multă fluiditate comparativ cu imaginile statice.”
„(....)a folosit în premieră o cameră purtată pe șine.
De lemn, pe atunci, dar care oferea filmului mai multă fluiditate comparativ cu imaginile statice.”
Proposed translations
3 +2 | flow | Annamaria Amik |
5 +2 | fluidity | Daniel Grigoras |
4 +1 | mobility | Nina Iordache |
Proposed translations
11 mins
E doar o sugestie.
Un exemplu dintr-un alt domeniu, dar relevant:
The continuous flow of images speeding by does not leave us the time for critical distance and contemplation, like when looking at a painting or photograph, but acts immediately on a pre-reflexive, pre-linguistic level of thought.
Un exemplu dintr-un alt domeniu, dar relevant:
The continuous flow of images speeding by does not leave us the time for critical distance and contemplation, like when looking at a painting or photograph, but acts immediately on a pre-reflexive, pre-linguistic level of thought.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Sara Barsan
55 mins
neutral |
Daniel Grigoras
: there's a difference between "the film's fluidity" and "the flow of images"; it's not about the flow of images, but about the fluidity of the film, which nonetheless is influenced by the flow of the shots // ∃ "ununiform flow" => flow doesn't say much
58 mins
I did mention that my example was not specific to this field :-) Nonetheless, films/motion pictures ARE images and my source compared the *flow* of images to the staticity of paintings or photos, hence the relevance.
agree |
Tünde Lőrincz
: I think a good flow of the shots assigns a good flow to the film
3 hrs
Thanks for the confirmation. I think so too. After all, fluidity is the property of flowing/ability to flow.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Multumesc"
10 mins
un exemplu frumos:
si aici:
si aici:
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: mobilitate , absolut, am consultat un specialist-regizor de film
21 hrs
Multumesc frumos, Rodica, in special pentru confirmarea "specializata"!
51 mins
"[...] the impression of reality cannot be reduced to perspective or the fluidity of shot changes [...]" (J. Aumont - Aesthetics of film )
"cinematographers achieved a new fluidity in their camera work that resulted in high realism" (Rémi Fournier Lanzoni - French Cinema )
Note added at 7 hrs (2013-04-05 19:20:21 GMT)
The fluidity with which the camera moves on its wooden tracks helps to give in turn fluidity to the film itself. Translating "fluiditate" with "flow" would be wrong because the term "flow" is vague, while the term "fluidity" makes it clear that flow of images is fluid. It's not just about the flow of the movie, it's about the flow being fluid.
"The movement is normally quite fluid" ( ) + "The viewer should not notice the cuts, and shots should flow together (ed. i.e. be fluid) naturally." ( ) => It's all about being fluid, not flowing. That a film flows is self-explanatory. The fussiness is about how does it flow: in a fluid manner or in ungraciously unfluid one?
Anyway, who cares, right?
Or maybe is it, who understands?
"cinematographers achieved a new fluidity in their camera work that resulted in high realism" (Rémi Fournier Lanzoni - French Cinema )
Note added at 7 hrs (2013-04-05 19:20:21 GMT)
The fluidity with which the camera moves on its wooden tracks helps to give in turn fluidity to the film itself. Translating "fluiditate" with "flow" would be wrong because the term "flow" is vague, while the term "fluidity" makes it clear that flow of images is fluid. It's not just about the flow of the movie, it's about the flow being fluid.
"The movement is normally quite fluid" ( ) + "The viewer should not notice the cuts, and shots should flow together (ed. i.e. be fluid) naturally." ( ) => It's all about being fluid, not flowing. That a film flows is self-explanatory. The fussiness is about how does it flow: in a fluid manner or in ungraciously unfluid one?
Anyway, who cares, right?
Or maybe is it, who understands?
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Annamaria Amik
: În citatele date, fluidity şi flow s-ar putea interschimba, dar iată un exemplu bun pentru soluţia ta: // Who knows, "fluiditatea filmului" per se is not just "fluidity in camera work"...
1 hr
thanks; anyway, I've posted relevant references above; moreover, it's not that much about the flow of images, but about the fluidity with which the camera moves, its movement being more fluid and less shaky because of the wooden tracks on which it moves
agree |
Aurelia Trezescu
37 days