Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

tratare neutru prin rezistenţă

English translation:

neutral connected to ground via resistor

Added to glossary by Péter Tófalvi
Sep 5, 2011 19:58
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Romanian term

tratare neutru prin rezistenţă

Romanian to English Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation
Este vorba de racordarea unei centrale electrice la sistemul energetic naţional printr-o staţie de transformare.

"modernizarea protecţiilor şi a circuitelor secundare aferente, pentru alinierea protecţiilor de rezervă a trafo la regimul de alimentare bilaterală şi tratare neutru prin rezistenţă, (realizare "retrofit" în celula de transformator 20 kV, pentru alinierea protecţiilor la cerinţele PE 504/96)"
Proposed translations (English)
5 +2 neutral connected to ground via resistor

Proposed translations

34 mins

neutral connected to ground via resistor

daca citesti PE 504/96 vezi ca de asta e vorba.
Peer comment(s):

agree Iosif JUHASZ
5 days
Multumesc !
agree meirs : resistance neutral grounding - as simple as that - as opposed to hard (short circuit) and Petersen coil grounding methods
7 days
Thanks !
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc!"
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