Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
curent de rupere
English translation:
breaking (current) capacity
Added to glossary by
Cosmin Băduleţeanu
Jun 20, 2014 03:25
10 yrs ago
25 viewers *
Romanian term
curent de rupere
Romanian to English
Energy / Power Generation
Dintr-un manual cu instrucțiuni de montare și utilizare pentru un contor de energie electrică trifazat, la capitolul Mărimi electrice nominale:
"Caracteristici generator de impulsuri:
durata impulsului: minim 30 ms;
tensiunea de lucru Ug: 30 V;
curentul de rupere Ig: 30 mA,
În cazul contoarelor echipate cu generator de impulsuri (macate cu “G”) releele statice comută în starea “ON” durate fixe de timp, numărul comutărilor fiind proporţional cu energia activă măsurată."
"Caracteristici generator de impulsuri:
durata impulsului: minim 30 ms;
tensiunea de lucru Ug: 30 V;
curentul de rupere Ig: 30 mA,
În cazul contoarelor echipate cu generator de impulsuri (macate cu “G”) releele statice comută în starea “ON” durate fixe de timp, numărul comutărilor fiind proporţional cu energia activă măsurată."
Proposed translations
3 +1 | breaking (current) capacity | Claudia Coja |
Proposed translations
2 hrs
breaking (current) capacity de ruper...
curent de rupere breaking current
Breaking capacity or interrupting capacity is the current that a fuse, circuit breaker, or other electrical apparatus is able to interrupt without being destroyed or causing an electric arc with unacceptable duration. The prospective short circuit current which can occur under short circuit conditions should not exceed the rated breaking capacity of the apparatus. Otherwise breaking of the current cannot be guaranteed. Breaking capacity current corresponds to a voltage, so an electrical apparatus may have more than one breaking capacity current, according to the voltage. Breaking current may be stated in terms of the total current or just in terms of the alternating-current (symmetrical) component. Since the time of opening of a fuse or switch is not coordinated with the reversal of the alternating current, in some circuits the total current may be offset and can be larger than the alternating-current component by itself.[1]
curent de rupere breaking current
Breaking capacity or interrupting capacity is the current that a fuse, circuit breaker, or other electrical apparatus is able to interrupt without being destroyed or causing an electric arc with unacceptable duration. The prospective short circuit current which can occur under short circuit conditions should not exceed the rated breaking capacity of the apparatus. Otherwise breaking of the current cannot be guaranteed. Breaking capacity current corresponds to a voltage, so an electrical apparatus may have more than one breaking capacity current, according to the voltage. Breaking current may be stated in terms of the total current or just in terms of the alternating-current (symmetrical) component. Since the time of opening of a fuse or switch is not coordinated with the reversal of the alternating current, in some circuits the total current may be offset and can be larger than the alternating-current component by itself.[1]
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Comment: "Mulțumesc, Claudia!"
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