Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

pierdere a interesului si increderii

English translation:

To lose interest and confidence (in)

Added to glossary by Lara Barnett
May 20, 2014 11:19
10 yrs ago
Romanian term

pierdere a interesului si increderii

Romanian to English Social Sciences International Org/Dev/Coop management
loss of interest and trust??
Change log

May 22, 2014 08:30: Lara Barnett Created KOG entry


Vroiam să scriu " confidence " dar văd că deja a fost menționat acest cuvânt, ar merge mai bine decât " trust"...
Lara Barnett May 20, 2014:
@ Rodica I agree that without context Claudia's comment could be the best option. However, seeing as we do not know the context, and seeing as there is a slight difference in nuance between "trust", "faith" and "confidence", how would we know? I am only speaking from the point of view of growing up in an English speaking country where the people who may read the translations which go through Proz, are also from English speaking countries.
RODICA CIOBANU May 20, 2014:
pierderea interesului si increderii comentariul Claudiei de la 14,28 mi se pare cea mai potrivita varianta.
Lara Barnett May 20, 2014:
@ Claudia "Faith" has many uses. It is not just used in religion:

Sometimes the context and/or sentence structure requires alternatives to the literal/dictionary translations of a term. "Faith" is often used as a synonym for "confidence" i.e. to lose confidence or to lose faith in a company or product is often used in UK and US English.

Claudia Coja May 20, 2014:
Lara the field is: International Org/Dev/Coop / management ... Not so sure we can talk about "faith"...
Lara Barnett May 20, 2014:
context I think more context is needed. "Trust" could be correct, but so could "faith". Context might shine more light.
Lorena Chirita (asker) May 20, 2014:
Multumesc! :)
Claudia Coja May 20, 2014:
Da, mi se pare in regula loss of interest and trust/loss of trust and interest...

Proposed translations

1 day 2 hrs

To lose interest and confidence (in)

This is one alternative. It would cover both nuances of "faith" and "trust" in my opinion.

1. Trust or faith in a person or thing.
2. A trusting relationship: I took them into my confidence.
... confidence

1. full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing: We have every confidence in their ability to succeed.
... "

Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2014-05-21 13:42:44 GMT)

"Spokesman Michael Maidment said the Salvation Army had many questions from donors and potential donors after the two thefts but few said they had LOST CONFIDENCE in the charity."
Example sentence:

"As one of the experienced literacy teachers suggested, many child domestic workers, migrating as they have from different rural areas and ethnic communities, have little INTEREST AND CONFIDENCE in being leaders - progagonists - of a child-led collective

"How much did they get away with pre 1996 when the internet went public? The mind boggles. I used to be an avid buyer and reader of newspapers but I HAVE LOST INTEREST AND CONFIDENCE in most of them as so many of these stories go unreported while we get a

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Thank you! :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 hrs

preoccupation and reliance


Note added at 7 hrs (2014-05-20 18:51:57 GMT)

Am omis "loss of" inaintea celor doi termeni.

Note added at 7 hrs (2014-05-20 19:04:57 GMT)

"re·li·ance (rĭ-lī′əns)
1. The act of relying or the state of being reliant.
2. The faith, confidence, or trust felt by one who relies; dependence. See Synonyms at trust.
3. One relied on; a mainstay."

Note added at 21 hrs (2014-05-21 08:47:53 GMT)

Cu placere!
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