Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

parte dispozitiva

English translation:

enacting terms

Added to glossary by T&I Contprest
Jan 10, 2008 14:28
17 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Romanian term

"parte dispozitiva"

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Parte din structura cadru a unui act normativ, alaturi de titlu, formula introductiva si preambul.
Change log

Jan 11, 2008 07:45: T&I Contprest changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/623982">imkingk's</a> old entry - ""parte dispozitiva""" to ""enacting terms""

Jan 11, 2008 07:55: T&I Contprest changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/115312">T&I Contprest's</a> old entry - ""parte dispozitiva""" to ""enacting terms""

Proposed translations

7 hrs

enacting terms

Interinstitutional style guide, pp 24-25
Termen introdus si in baza IATE la domeniul Administrative law, LAW, European Union
Peer comment(s):

2 hrs
agree Cristiana Coblis
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc mult. Aceasta expresie o gasisem si eu dar nu eram convins ca este cea corecta. Multumesc si celorlalti pentru contributia adusa."
31 mins

Suvstantive part

Asa este definit pe GLOSAR DE TERMENI DIN REGULAMENTULUI DE PROCEDURĂ. Acolo mai gasiti definitia si ina alte limbi

parte dispozitivă
substantive part
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrei Huiban
14 hrs
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3 hrs

enacting part (of statute); operative part (of judgment)

FHS Bridge's Council of Europe FR/EN glossary: dispositif = enacting clauses of a statute or decree; operative words or provisions of a judgment.
Example sentence:

In this case, where we conclude that the enacting part of the statute, seen in the light of its legislative history, is plain, we attach no interpretive ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Cristiana Coblis
10 hrs
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5 hrs

legislative ( normative)provision/enactment/ normative provision content

) Partea dispozitivă a actului normativ reprezintă conţinutul propriu-zis al reglementării, alcătuit din totalitatea normelor juridice instituite pentru sfera raporturilor sociale care fac obiectul reglementat de acesta

Domaine(s) : - law


Équivalent(s) français disposition

Sous-entrée(s) :
legislative provision
Définition :
Mesure impérative contenue dans une loi ou un règlement.


eu as merge cu "legislative provision"
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