Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
parte dispozitiva
English translation:
enacting terms
Romanian term
"parte dispozitiva"
Jan 11, 2008 07:45: T&I Contprest changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/623982">imkingk's</a> old entry - ""parte dispozitiva""" to ""enacting terms""
Jan 11, 2008 07:55: T&I Contprest changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/115312">T&I Contprest's</a> old entry - ""parte dispozitiva""" to ""enacting terms""
Proposed translations
enacting terms
Termen introdus si in baza IATE la domeniul Administrative law, LAW, European Union
Suvstantive part
parte dispozitivă
substantive part
enacting part (of statute); operative part (of judgment)
In this case, where we conclude that the enacting part of the statute, seen in the light of its legislative history, is plain, we attach no interpretive ...
legislative ( normative)provision/enactment/ normative provision content
Domaine(s) : - law
Équivalent(s) français disposition
Sous-entrée(s) :
legislative provision
Définition :
Mesure impérative contenue dans une loi ou un règlement.
eu as merge cu "legislative provision"
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