Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

(un fluid) slab de perfecţiune

English translation:

a thin fluid of perfection

Added to glossary by proteus
Aug 19, 2006 14:43
18 yrs ago
Romanian term

(un fluid) slab de perfecţiune

Romanian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
...respiram prost, întotdeauna pieptul meu era prea plin ori prea gol. Începui dar să respir aerul cu încredere. Peste câteva minute mă simţii mai bine. *Un fluid slab de perfecţiune* dar care simţeam că se umflă în fiecare clipă, începu să-mi curgă prin vine."

Nu sunt sigură ce înseamnă "Un fluid slab de perfecţiune" mai ales "slab de perfecţiune"... poate înseamnă: "A perfectly thin fluid?" ... "A perfectly weak fluid?" sau altceva...

Apreciez orice lămuriri. Vă mulţumesc!


proteus (asker) Aug 19, 2006:
Thanks, Maria :) Yes, what you say is true about literary texts. But I will get a much better sense of the meaning from all of your (dv) suggestions.

Proposed translations

32 mins

a thin fluid of perfection

Ideea e că se simţea din ce în ce mai bine, de unde şi perfecţiunea aceea, pe care aş lăsa-o ca atare. Cred că vrea să spună că respectivul fluid de perfecţiune :) se îngroşa cu fiecare moment. Aş folosi thin-thick. Ceva de genul: "A thin fluid of perfection, yet perceptibly becoming thicker by the moment, began to flow through my veins".

Ar fi o idee bună să te consulţi şi cu autorul/autoarea, dacă tot îi traduci cartea...
Peer comment(s):

agree Elena Iercoşan : îmi place :)
1 hr
agree Maria Diaconu : Finally... I got it! Nu o citeam cum trebuie: deci trebuie citit "un fluid slab_pauză_ de perfecţiune", "un fluid de perfecţiune slab", cu alte cuvinte. De acord. atunci!
4 hrs
agree Ioana Costache : Nice parsing :))
7 hrs
Mulţumesc :D Aş vrea totuşi să văd şi eu algoritmul după care se mişcă porumbeii, cum făcea alde John Nash...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "It seems that most of us agree that this is the best interpretation of the phrase. After considering the larger context of this part of the book (which you all did not have the benefit of), I also think this is the right interpretation. This is a rather metaphorical passage; the narrator wants to be imbued with a new spirit, and after he tries again to breathe in a new way, he succeeds though at first this new "fluid" is "thin" -- it is still the "perfect" thing that he was searching for. Thank you all so much for helping me to understand and translate this portion! And Valentin, I can't ask the author -- he has been dead for many years.... Thank you Valentin!! :)"
4 mins

far from perfect

I'm not so sure, however... it sounds awkward in Romanian too, but with a literary text, anything becomes possible.

Note added at 16 minute (2006-08-19 15:00:27 GMT)

I would interpret "slab" here as "inferior in quality, ordinary", considering the use of the conjuntion "dar" after it: "it was far from perfect, but I felt it..."
That's how I understand it, let's see what other colleagues think.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marinela Sandoval
2 days 14 hrs
mulţumesc, dar eu mi-am dat seama că răspunsul meu nu e cel corect
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23 days

very [utterly] thin fluid

I think that we must pay slight homage to Poe here..."a thin, very, [utterly] thin fluid..."

Note added at 23 days (2006-09-11 23:14:37 GMT) Post-grading

We can't say, in English" "perfectly thin" [weak, etc...]...As always, Romanian is a much more poetic language, and attempts at translating it into very [utterly (de perfectiune)] functional English can only result in the type of stilted translations I myself made thousands of while learning Romanian....I's a shame, but we're stuck with the fact that your native language is lovelier than mine...Who is the author, by the way? Souds a bit like Papadat-Bengescu...
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