Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

a plange mocnit

English translation:

weep softly/quietly

Added to glossary by adami
May 3, 2013 07:10
11 yrs ago
Romanian term

a plange mocnit

Romanian to English Other Poetry & Literature
[Actiunea se petrece la patul unui om foarte bolnav.] In timp ce ea plangea mocnit, o ideea geniala ii veni in minte.
Change log

May 14, 2013 18:34: adami Created KOG entry


Alexandranow May 3, 2013:
quietly cred că merge ....weep smoldering nu găsesc exemple, poate nu e potrivit

Proposed translations

1 hr

weep/sob softly/mutedly/quietly

Or "weep in a subdued tone'... etc.

Depinde daca accentul e mai degraba pe lipsa de zgomot sau pe lipsa de agitatie, sa spunem...
Peer comment(s):

agree Sorina C : OK with weeping softly/quietly. To sob means to cry loudly, so I am not sure how one could do that quietly :).
5 hrs
Multumesc! Vad ca a raspuns deja cineva mai jos la obiectia dvs.
agree Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
6 hrs
agree Mary Stefan (X) : quietly
11 hrs
agree Nina Iordache
12 hrs
agree Florin Ular : Merge și „to sob”, nu înseamnă neapărat a plânge zgomotos, a urla, ci a plânge înăbușit, cu suspine.
1 day 47 mins
Multumesc! Asa e.
3 days 11 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
1 hr

wept smoldering

smolder: a mocni
While she wept smoldering, she's got a brilliant idea
Peer comment(s):

disagree Sorina C : this doesn't sound natural in English. Sorry.
5 hrs
disagree Sandra & Kenneth Grossman : Doar daca fusese incinerata in prealabil. Constructie incorecta (while she wept.. she's got..), exprimare neglijenta (she's got a brilliant idea), propozitie fara sens (ideea era a altcuiva - daca ea plangea de durere, nu se putea gandi la ideea geniala)
6 hrs
Dacå plânge, nu implicå în mod automat cå toatå activitatea ei intelectualå inceteazå
disagree mihaela. : Makes no sense in English.
2 days 8 hrs
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