Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

gropi imprumut si deponii

English translation:

borrow pits and landfills

Added to glossary by Mihaela Sinca
Oct 7, 2004 08:42
20 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Romanian term

gropi imprumut si deponii

Homework / test Romanian to English Tech/Engineering Surveying
din categoria terenurilor neproductive precum smarcuri, saraturi, etc.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +1 borrow pits and landfills

Proposed translations

12 mins

borrow pits and landfills

borrow pits and landfills

Note added at 13 mins (2004-10-07 08:56:18 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu
1 day 36 mins
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