Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

acaba por ver anuladas sus características

English translation:

eventually loses its distinguishing features

Added to glossary by Lisa McCarthy
Jan 29, 2009 00:38
15 yrs ago
Spanish term

acaba por ver anuladas sus características

Spanish to English Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Exhibition space
La propia historia de la sala, inaugurada en 2004 como espacio de proyectos para creadores gallegos, anima a ampliar el significado de un lugar emplazado arquitectónicamente ‘fuera’ del museo, en un espacio público exento que, por ‘contaminación’ y ‘connotación’, **acaba por ver anuladas sus características** y por transformarse en el clásico cubo blanco que aísla la obra de su entorno inmediato.

Proposed translations

4 mins

(eventually) loses its special/distinguishing features

One version
Peer comment(s):

agree Catherine Gilsenan
2 mins
Thank you so much, Catherine
agree Michael Powers (PhD) : nicely done, Chris - Mike :)
4 mins
Thanks, Mike. I'm thinking of mailing you for some advice; I hope that's OK
agree Kate Major Patience : Yeah. They're looking to create a space 'outside' the museum, as the museum is a public space that is eventually devoid of its own charm, only serving to isolate art in a white box ...something like that...
8 mins
Many thanks, Kate.
agree Gisele Guerra
1 hr
Many thanks, Gisele
agree camilasegura
1 hr
Thank you, Camila
agree Julie Thompson : another suggestion for "eventually"- "after all", "unfortunately", "in spite of expectations"
1 hr
Thanks for your suggestions (AND your support)!
agree Alex Lago : agree with your translation, and I have to say reading this text in spanish gives me a headache, that's what I call destrozar la lengua de Cervantes
7 hrs
Thank you, Alex.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Chris! "
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