- Field: technical, automotive, IT, medical translator
- Experience: 12 years experience as a full-time translator, more than 8,000,000 words translated until now
- Online specialization courses:
2018: University of Minnesota - Medical Technology and Evaluation; Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations
2018: University of Toronto - Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
- Offline specialization courses:
2013-2015: Swiss WebAcademy - Web Designer and Web Developer
- Experience: 12 years experience as a full-time translator, more than 8,000,000 words translated until now
- Online specialization courses:
2018: University of Minnesota - Medical Technology and Evaluation; Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations
2018: University of Toronto - Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
- Offline specialization courses:
2013-2015: Swiss WebAcademy - Web Designer and Web Developer
Specializing in:
- Automotive / Cars & Trucks
- IT (Information Technology)
- Telecom(munications)
- Electronics / Elect Eng
- Construction / Civil Engineering
- Computers: Systems, Networks
- Computers: Software
- Computers: Hardware
- Computers (general)
- Mechanics / Mech Engineering