- Titanic dietro le quinte, 1999
- Bottega Veneta, 2012
- Exhibition catalogues (Signorelli, Renoir), 2012
- La conquista del tempo (history of watchmaking), 2015
- Freespace, Biennale Architettura, 2018
Member of Strade (union of Italian translators in publishing)
Main interests and favourite genres: art, art history, cultural heritage, design, fine & fashion jewellery, cinema, biography
Would welcome opportunities to translate/adapt film/theatre scripts
- Bottega Veneta, 2012
- Exhibition catalogues (Signorelli, Renoir), 2012
- La conquista del tempo (history of watchmaking), 2015
- Freespace, Biennale Architettura, 2018
Member of Strade (union of Italian translators in publishing)
Main interests and favourite genres: art, art history, cultural heritage, design, fine & fashion jewellery, cinema, biography
Would welcome opportunities to translate/adapt film/theatre scripts
Interested in :
Specializing in:
- Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
- History
- Architecture
- Mining & Minerals / Gems
- Advertising / Public Relations
- Marketing
- Furniture / Household Appliances
- Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
- Poetry & Literature
- Environment & Ecology
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