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- SOPs (Standard operating procedures), and patient information leaflets/Consent Forms
- Protocols
- Dosing diary description
- health and well-being campaigns
- health-related benefits and diet programs
- health insurance plan information
- data sheets on chemicals and health exposure
- application and use medication and cosmeceuticals
- reports on pharma studies
- safety data sheets
- Clinical trials: ICFs, patient diaries, subject recruitment mater, clinical trials agreements
- Protocols
- Dosing diary description
- health and well-being campaigns
- health-related benefits and diet programs
- health insurance plan information
- data sheets on chemicals and health exposure
- application and use medication and cosmeceuticals
- reports on pharma studies
- safety data sheets
- Clinical trials: ICFs, patient diaries, subject recruitment mater, clinical trials agreements
Translated content of:
Language variants:
- Source languages
- English – US, UK
- Spanish – Standard-Spain
- Target languages
- Romanian – Romania
- Romanian – Romania