Rate per min. €5.00 EUR
Hi! Looking for an Icelandic translator with a subtitling experience?
Well, as luck would have it, I might be the exact person you're looking for.
Because I'm:
I - nnovative
N - ative icelandic speaker
G - ood humored
V - ery rigorous
E - xperienced
L - iable
D - etermined
U - nstoppable
R - esourceful
Just try me out :)
Well, as luck would have it, I might be the exact person you're looking for.
Because I'm:
I - nnovative
N - ative icelandic speaker
G - ood humored
V - ery rigorous
E - xperienced
L - iable
D - etermined
U - nstoppable
R - esourceful
Just try me out :)
Specializing in:
- Automotive / Cars & Trucks
- Government / Politics
- Economics
- Construction / Civil Engineering
- Computers: Systems, Networks
- Business/Commerce (general)
- Tourism & Travel