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English to Chinese - Standard rate: 0.08 USD per word / 30 USD per hour French to Chinese - Standard rate: 0.08 USD per word / 30 USD per hour German to Chinese - Standard rate: 0.08 USD per word / 30 USD per hour Spanish to Chinese - Standard rate: 0.08 USD per word / 30 USD per hour
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Sample translations submitted: 7
Spanish to Chinese: Test Sample I
Source text - Spanish Los paneles de granito Jet Mist continúan la dimensión artística en el suelo del atrio donde se ha realizado una cuadrícula con travertino. Importado de Virginia (Estados Unidos), el granito recuerda con su diseño variable a modo de nube modelada las montañas impresionistas de las tradicionales pinturas chinas de paisajes. Otros elementos lujosos de las piedras acentúan el espacio. El tono “chocolate-marrón” del mármol español Marrón Emperador enriquece el suelo de entrada del banco, con un pulido tan brillante que, como la piscina del jardín, refleja la claraboya del atrio.
Translation - Chinese 回廊地面采用薄雾图案的花岗岩石板与石灰华交相辉映,构成完美的立体效果。(美国)弗吉尼亚进口的花岗岩图案多变,既有现代的流云涌动,也有富于中国古典意向的山水风景画图案。 这些绚丽多彩的花纹图案为空间平添富丽堂皇。来自西班牙“棕色之皇”的“巧克力-咖啡色”涂料,为银行进门处的地面带来一种磨砂质感的光彩,如同水中花园的效果,与回廊的石材交相辉映。
English to Chinese: Test Sample II
Source text - English Endorsement
The Sum Insured by each item of this Policy includes an amount in respect of Architects’, Surveyors’ and Consulting Engineers’ fees necessarily incurred in the reinstatement of the property specified consequent upon its destruction or damage but not for preparing any claim, its being understand that the amount payable for such fees shall not exceed those authorized under the Scale of Professional Charges of the Royal Institute of British Architects and / or of the Schedule of Professional Charges of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and/or of the Schedule of Professional charges of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and/or of the Association of Consulting Engineers as the case may be, or of the respective equivalent local body subject to a maximum limit of 10% of sum insured on each item.
The Sum Insured by each item of this Policy includes an amount in respect of costs and expense necessarily incurred by the Insured with consent of the Company in:
1) removing debris,
2) dismantling and/or demolishing,
3) shoring up or propping,
of the portion or portions of the property insured by this Policy destroyed or damaged by fire or by any other peril hereby insured against subject to a maximum limit of 10% of the sum insured on each item.
The sum insured under this Policy includes:
1) Wages of the Insured’s employees engaged in fire fighting activities other than full time members of a Works Fire Brigade,
2) The cost of replenishment of Fire Fighting Appliances and destruction of or damage to materials (including employees’ clothing and personal effects) and the cost of replacing or repairing materials or equipment used in extinguishing a fire unless otherwise specifically insured.
3) All other costs and charges associated with the extinguishment or prevention of spread of fire or for providing temporary safety devices in consequence of damage or the threat of damage by fire or other peril hereby insured against.
Provided always that the liability of the Company in respect of such wages and costs shall be limited to those necessarily and reasonably incurred in extinguishing fires at or adjoining the situation of the Property Insured by this Policy or immediately threatening to involve such property.
Pele. The God of football. O Rei. Whatever the name, the memory is the same - of a world-beating superstar, a record-breaking footballing icon. Above and beyond his unequalled achievement in winning three World Cups, Pele, was a genius who was constantly reinventing the game of football.
With every touch of the ball, every pass, every dribble, Pele was capable of coming up with something new - something the fans had never seen before. With a killer instinct in front of goal, an eye for the perfect pass and
legendary dribbling skills, Pele was just about the perfect footballer. And if the Seleçaõ came to incarnate the "beautiful game" in the eyes of so many fans around the world, this can largely be credited to the breathtaking skills of their celebrated No10. In 1958, Pele’s skills captivated the imagination all the more as he exploded into football fans' living rooms via the first ever World Cup broadcast on television.
First spotted at the age of 11 by former Brazilian international Waldemar de Brito, he joined Santos at the age of 15, and had not yet turned 16 when he scored in his first official match against Corinthians, in September 1956. A legend was born.
贝利 11 岁时就被巴西国家队前教练瓦尔德马•得•布利托(Waldemar de Brito)相中,15 岁时加入了桑托斯队。 1956年9月,贝利在对阵 FC 科林斯队的首场正式比赛中射入其球员生涯的第一球,当时他还不到16岁。一个传奇人物就此诞生。
Arabic to Chinese: Test Sample IV
Source text - Arabic -تنازع المصالح:
يلتزم العامل بعدم افشاء اسرار رب العمل التجارية أو علاقاته التجارية الخارجية مع الغير المتعلقة بمباشرة رب
العمل لعمله ويلتزم العامل بعدم اعطاء الغير معلومات عن دائرة شؤون الموظفين أو الموظفين المفوضين أو
اعطاء أي معلومة أيا كانت تلحق الضرر برب العمل .
كما يلتزم العامل خلال مدة عقد العمل ويحظر عليه ان يشترك ماليا مع المقاولين أو المتعاقدين أو زبائن رب
العمل سواء بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر. وبعكس ما سبق يعتبر عقدعمل العامل مفسوخا ويحتفظ رب العمل بحق المطالبة بالتعويض عن اي ضرر.
Source text - French Les habits du roi nous renseignent sur la mode en vigueur. Dans ce domaine comme dans tous les autres, c’est le souverain qui fait autorité. Large de torse, le roi adopte un pourpoint qui dégage bien le cou. L’heure n’est pas encore venue de s’engoncer dans le tulle tuyauté d’une fraise. Le tissu en est fendu à plusieurs endroits : ce sont les crevés, par lesquelles apparaissent des soieries de couleur différente. Vous pouvez distinguer sur la manche gauche du roi les petits nœuds de soie dorée qui maintiennent les bandes de tissu : ce sont les aiguillettes. Le roi porte un manteau court, la chamarre. Les bas sont de soie, retenus par une jarretière. Au pied, de curieuses chaussures, à bout carré, que l’on porte indifféremment à l’un ou l’autre pied… elles sont dites à pied d’ours. Sur la chevelure, enfin, un béret plat, doublé de fourrure.
Translation - Chinese 国王的着装向我们展示了充满活力的姿态。在服装这个领域,和所有其它的一样,都是由统治者引领的。国王宽阔的胸膛穿着领口敞开的紧身衣。那个时代还未流行那种显得耸肩缩颈的罗纱管状摺裥。布料被分开小叉,从裂缝中可以看到不同颜色的丝布。您可以辨认出国王左边袖子上有些金丝绣的小结连接着一条布带,这是军服的一种饰带。国王穿着一件有花边装饰的短外套,底部是丝做的,有松紧带扣着。脚上他穿着一双奇怪的方头鞋子,两只脚换穿也是一样的...这种鞋子也被称作熊掌。头发上戴着皮草滚边的贝雷帽。
Russian to Chinese: Test Sample VI Detailed field: Finance (general)
В соответствии с положениями Федерального закона от 07.08.2001 № 115-ФЗ «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма» (далее – Федеральный закон), нормативными актами и рекомендациями Банка России и Федеральной службы по финансовым рынкам, а также с учетом рекомендаций, содержащихся в документах Группы разработки финансовых мер борьбы с отмыванием денег (FATF), Базельского комитета по банковскому надзору и Вольфсбергских принципах, в ОАО Внешторгбанк (далее – Банк) устанавливаются следующие правила внутреннего контроля, осуществляемого в целях противодействия легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма (далее – Правила).
1. Внутренний контроль в целях противодействия легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма (далее – внутренний контроль) является частью системы внутреннего контроля Банка и осуществляется структурными подразделениями Банка, его дополнительными офисами, филиалами и дополнительными офисами филиалов (далее – подразделения Банка) с целью проведения в Банке единой политики в данной области.
Translation - Chinese 外贸银行无限股份公司
English to Chinese (Science and Technology Translators' Association of the Chinese Academy) German to Chinese (Science and Technology Translators' Association of the Chinese Academy) Spanish to Chinese (Science and Technology Translators' Association of the Chinese Academy) French to Chinese (Science and Technology Translators' Association of the Chinese Academy)
A FAST GROWING CHINESE FREELANCE TEAM!! English <> Chinese (3 teams 100+ members), Japanese > Chinese (15 members), Korean > Chinese (8 members), French > Chinese (15 members), German > Chinese (20 members), Spanish > Chinese (5 members), Italian > Chinese (9 members)
Our team was established in 1999 and has developed into a strong, highly dedicated, and professional team that mainly specializes in providing bilingual translation, editing, proofreading, DTP services for clients worldwide. Our team comprises more than 100 professional English to Chinese translators, 15 Japanese to Chinese translators, 8 Korean to Chinese translators, 20 German to Chinese translators, 9 Italian to Chinese translators, 5 Spanish to Chinese translators, 15 French to Chinese translators that all specialize in most fields, especially in medical, pharmaceutical, biology, chemistry, IT, engineering, software localization, website localization, financial, legal, online poker gambling, games, tourism & automobile etc. Most of these translators have corresponding translation certificates, which enable us to provide the most accurate translations for our clients. In addition, all of us possess the utmost responsibility, professionalism, and strong learning initiative, which collectively ensure that we can provide quality work at any time.
Our Goals
To provide Fast & Accurate translation to our clients at a reasonable price.
Our Services
Translation: (Native Target)
English <> Chinese performed by the EngChin Teams*
Japanese > Chinese performed by the JapChin Team
Korean > Chinese performed by the KorChin Team
German > Chinese performed by the GerChin Team
Italian > Chinese performed by the ItaChin Team
French > Chinese performed by the FrnChin Team
Spanish > Chinese performed by the SpnChin TeamEngChin Teams* - We have 3 English to Chinese teams with more than 100 English to Chinese colleagues.
EngChin Team A
There are 30 English to Chinese colleagues including translators, editors, and proofreaders. They are specialized in IPO prospectuses, annual reports, circulars, announcements, fund manager's reports, market commentaries, and other financial documents.EngChin Team A’s Sample Work ListInitial Public Offerings
Northeast Tiger Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. - H Shares [Stock code: 8197]; BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd. [Stock code: 2388]; PME Group Ltd. [Stock code: 379]; Pan Sino International Holdings Ltd. [Stock code: 8260]; Beijing Capital International Airport Co. Ltd. - H Shares [Stock code: 694]; Hainan Meilan International Airport Co. Ltd. - H Shares [Stock code: 357]; Sino Golf Holdings Ltd. [Stock code: 361]; I-Wood International Holdings Ltd. [Stock code: 162]; Shenzhen EVOC Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd. - H Shares [Stock code: 8285].
Annual Reports
Beijing Capital [Stock code: 2868]; China Velocity [Stock code: 149]; Capital Prosper [Stock code: 1003]; Capital Estate [Stock code: 0193]; Greater China Holdings Ltd. [Stock code: 141]; Fortuna International Holdings Ltd. [Stock code: 530]; Keck Seng [Stock code: 184]; Gucco Group [Stock code: 053].
EngChin Team B
There are 40 English to Chinese freelancers including translators, editors, and proofreaders that work from home. They are specialized in medical, pharmaceutical, biology, chemistry, IT, engineering, software localization, website localization, financial & legal documents etc. EngChin Team B’s Sample Work ListIT & Engineering/Construction/Software localization/Websites
1. FLEXCUBE CASA (Current Accounts and Savings Accounts) Manual
2. Intel Desktop Board D845GVSH Technical Product Specification
3. Office_2003_QRG_v9 Chinese Trad
4. Functions of External Interface and Channel Management (Partner Management) System
5. Proposal of Organization and Human Resource Planning of CMCC
6. PLC programmable lifting signal system of Zhida Automation Co., Ltd
7. World Windsurf Championship in Caribbean
8. Operating Instructions of Wireless Communication of KTLll0 Type Shaft Mines / Signal Base Station
9. Instructions for Sandwich Toaster
10. Project Specifications of QGEWC (WNA) Water Supply Works
11. Construction Scheme of Equipment Hoisting of the First Stage 30MW Project of Toli 100MW Wind Farm in Xinjiang Province
12. Quality assurance in UK higher education
13. Invitation Letter for Design
14. HSE Management System
15. The Phenomenon of Constancy of Light Velocity Should be Verified Again
16. Brief Introduction of the Beijing SONICOM Network System Co., Ltd
17. Technical Instructions for the Wireless Video Monitoring Project of Tanzania
18. Micron PAR Process Descriptions
19. Website localization of various Renold Chain Products
20. Commitments for Safety & Emergency Measures
21. Brief Introduction of Geared-down Motor Products
22. Instructions for Electronic Piano
23. Industry Standard of People’s Republic of China (Code for Design of Buildings and Structures of Coal Preparation Plant)
24. Report of LNG Receiving Terminal Project
25. Risk Management Structure of Xiangcai Securities
26. Requirements on Staffing of Supervision Personnel
27. Brief Introduction of Investment Projects of Hei Longjiang Provincial No.854 Farm
28. MAN Starts in the Dakar Rally 2006 & MAN starts the “MAN Truckers’World” drivers’club
29. Business Analogy Subsystem & Switch Subsystem & System Architecture of INDOPAY Switch Processing Center
30. Mixed Client Server and Peer to Peer System
31. Introduction of P2P module
32. Ashland Nanjing Press Release
33. HAZMAT White Paper
35. Measurement and Analysis on the Temperature Field of Rotational Symmetrical Flame Using Laser Holographic Interferometry
36. HP NonStop servers
37. Website localization of (Financial)
38. Large volume of Capital Verification Report
Medical & Pharmaceutical/Biology & Chemistry Projects
1. Instruction manual of Ambu® Laryngeal Mask – Reusable / sdlx format.
20,000 words
2. Manuals of CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery System. 90,000 words
3. Instruction manuals of Wolf medical devices. 500,000 words
4. Instruction manuals of BioSign® Mono, BioSign™ ChlamydiaⅡ, StatusFirst® TnI, Bordetella pertussis IgA etc /word documents.
100,000 words
5. VBS Bond User Manual/ word & excel documents, dejavux format.
90,000 words
6. Instruction for use Toxoplasma IgM Reagent Pack, CalKIt30, THC Reagent etc. About 20,000 words by now
7. CellCept® (mycophenolate mofetil) Use in Combination with Tacrolimus, 12th Periodic Safety Update Report for Xeloda (capecitabine), Periodic Safety Update Report for Cellcept & Herceptin etc. 500,000 words
8. Progressive EIAs and MIFAs for Chlamydia pneumoniae detection etc.
10,000 words
9. Summary of Pharmaceutical Research Data. 20,000 words
10. A multi-center phase III randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study of the cancer vaccine Stimuvax® (L-BLP25 or BLP25 liposome vaccine) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) subjects with unresectable stage III disease/ Word documents. 30,000 words
12. A Phase II Study of PS-341 (NSC 681239) in Patients with Untreated or Relapsed Mantle Cell Lymphoma/ PDF documents. 150,000 words
13. Integrated Biology Solutions/ word documents. 10,000 words
14. Endurocide MSDS China etc./word documents. 30,000 words
15. CO2 Pro System Manual /PDF document. 7,000 words
16. MassTrak™ Systems of Waters Corporation. 3000 words
EngChin Team C
There are more than 30 quality English to Chinese translators in Team C. They are specialized in other fields such as Poker, Gambling, Tourism, Business, Engineering, Product Manuals & chemical etc.
EngChin Team C’s Sample Project ListsEnglish > Chinese Project Names
English > S Chinese Ansaldobreda’s Bidding Project in China
English > S Chinese Poker/Gambling (80,000 words)
English > S Chinese Poker/Gambling
English > S Chinese COSMOPROF Beauty Exhibition ShangHai
English > S Chinese 测量仪器
English > S Chinese GF Future Co., Ltd Brochure
English > S Chinese St. Helens Council Brochure
English > S Chinese Boston Public Library
English > S Chinese 腹部及骨盆的RMN检验
English > S Chinese Haier Product Manual
English > S Chinese UK Travel Guide (20,000 words)
English > S Chinese Sales Contract
English > T Chinese Curves Ads
English > T Chinese Travel Guide England
English > T Chinese Patient Case Study
English > T Chinese Breast Cancer Physician File
English > T Chinese XXX immigration services
English > T Chinese SteelVine™ Storage Processors
English > T Chinese 漏洞详细资料
English > T Chinese VPPE Strategic Equity Presentation
English > T Chinese H5N1 Vaccine Study
English > T Chinese NR-B362M_ADD (refrigerator) Manual
English > T Chinese TV Manual
English > T Chinese Car Radio/CD/MP3
English > T Chinese Bosch Manual
English > T Chinese Mitsubishi Manual
English > Cantonese Motorcar Helmet
Other Projects SampleJWC (Hong Kong)
80,000 words English > T Chinese (IT / Software)
100,000 words English > S Chinese (Medical) (Korea)
50,000 words Korean > S Chinese (Semiconductor manufacturing equipment, completed on 17.10.2006)
E-Kern Translation (Germany)
60,000 words German > T Chinese (Mechanical) (Italy)
50,000 words Italian > S Chinese (Mechanical & Chemical)
50,000 words Arabic > S Chinese (Journalism)
Publicis Blueprint UK
50,000 words English > T Chinese (UK Travel Guide)
China Interface UK
50,000 words English > S Chinese & Cantonese (& Proofread) (Patient Guide)
999 Group China
150,000 words English > S Chinese (Medical)
Nibco (USA)
50,000 words English > T Chinese (Product Manual)
80,000 words English > S Chinese (Casino Games)
Baker Hughes (UK)
150,000 words English > S Chinese (Oil Field Agreement)
Decoro (Italy)
50,000 words Italian > S Chinese (Sofa)
Archos (France)
100,000 words French > S Chinese (MP4 Manual)
BMW (Germany)
50,000 words English > S Chinese (Shanghai Project)
Sony (Japan)
120,000 words Japanese > S Chinese (Product Manual)
EngChin Team Quality Control Process
1. Pre-analysis on translation projects: we will perform translation analysis before starting any translation projects, in order to find the most suitable persons to perform the translation and to search for the related terminology, reference materials, and other helpful sources.
2. Translation: After that, we’ll select the most suitable candidates to start the work, in which we will provide them with clear instructions, a TM/glossary, reference materials etc. During the translation process, we will monitor their translation progress and will always ask them to deliver batch-to-batch in order for us to check the overall quality.
3. Editing/proofreading: After the translation, our editor/proofreader will perform the editing/proofreading work in order to check the quality of original translation and for quality feedback to be sent me. The editor/proofreader will be responsible for improving the accuracy, fluency, grammar, spelling, consistency of translation etc.
4. Formatting/DTP: After that, the DTP specialist will perform the necessary formatting/DTP work to ensure that the layout of the translation is completely the same as that of the original text.
5. Final review/QA: The last step is the final review/QA,. The quality, translation style, and layout of the final texts are always checked, in which we make all of the necessary revisions on the final texts to ensure the utmost quality. If our clients request for us to perform QA (usually localization projects), we can also provide a QA report to them.
Our Clients
Carl Zeiss, PCCW HongKong, Bosch, Panasonic, Sony, BMW, Decoro, Nibco, Ansaldobreda, Charles Stanley, Archos,,, Baker Hughes, Johnson & Johnson, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Bond System, Spacelabs Medical, GE Health Group, The DXR group, Agilent Technologies, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Waters Corporation, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Vision BioSystems Ltd, Ambu, Accuray Incorporated, RICHARD WOLF GmbH, Ashland, Clariant, JPMC, ING Bank, Bank of China, SAP, HP, Corel, SUN Corporation, Cisco, Howstuffworks etc.
Price List
English <> Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
Japanese > Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
Korean > Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
German > Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
Italian > Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
French > Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
Spanish > Chinese USD0.06 ~ 0.08/source word
Notes: The above rates are only for reference. Discounts are applicable for large projects. Additional fees will be applicable for urgent and cumbersome projects.
Keywords: Cantonese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese Translation, Fast Turn Around, English to T Chinese HongKong, French to Chinese, German to Chinese, Japanese to Chinese, Korean to Chinese, Spanish to Chinese. See more.Cantonese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese Translation, Fast Turn Around, English to T Chinese HongKong, French to Chinese, German to Chinese, Japanese to Chinese, Korean to Chinese, Spanish to Chinese, Russian to Chinese, Portuguese to Chinese, Italian to Chinese, . See less.
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