Dictionary and reference board  A searchable database of dictionaries and other works of reference which may be of use to language professionals. | Title | Cover | Author | Language pair | Description | Feedback | Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa | | Antônio Houaiss | Portuguese | Portuguese dictionary with 228,500 words | 5 (1 entry) | Dicionário Houaiss Eletrônico da Língua Portuguesa 2009 | | Editorial Team | Portuguese | This is the new 2009 version(3) of Houaiss, an unabridged eletronic dictionary with more than 442,000 entries.
This version includes the New Portugu... | 5 (1 entry) | Dictionary geotechnical engineering | | Herbert Bucksch | English to German | The two volumes of the Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering consist of approximately 140.000 entries. To each keyword common synonyms are given. Some e... | | Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction | | Nikolas Davies & Erkki Jokiniemi | English | With more than 20,000 words and terms individually defined, the Dictionary offers huge coverage for anyone studying or working in architecture, constr... | | Dictionary of Architecture and Civil Engineering | | Dr. Loukarfi Larbi | English to Arabic | معجم متخصصة في الهندسة المعمارية والزخرفة الداخلية والخارجية للبنايات، وفي فروعه... | 5 (1 entry) | Dictionary of United States Legal Terminology | | Javier F. Becerra | English to Spanish | Dictionary of Legal terms used in United States and their equivalence in Mexican Spanish, Centered in Civil Law and Civil Procedure. | | Dictionnaire analytique de la Distribution | | Jeanne Dancette, Christophe Réthoré | French to English | - dictionnaire à approche encyclopédique.
- 350 notions de base du domaine de la distribution.
- 3500 termes anglais et autant de termes français... | | Dictionnaire comptable, fiscal et financier | | Frank de Saxcé | English to French French to English | Ce dictionnaire français-anglais / anglais-français des affaires inclut des expressions techniques rarement traduites. Outil de travail nécessaire ... | | Dictionnaire de l'anglais économique et juridique et du commerce international | | Anne Deysine, Edward Errante, Eveline Thévenard, Nigel Turner, Gérard Petit | French to English English to French | Ce dictionnaire bilingue est conçu pour donner l'information la plus complète à des utilisateurs francophones ou anglophones. Il s'adresse aux étu... | | Dictionnaire des marchés financiers | | Joseph Antoine, Marie-Claire Capiau-Huart | English to French French to English German to French French to German Italian to French French to Italian Spanish to French French to Spanish French to Dutch Dutch to French | Written by two professors who have taught at HEC Liège amongst other well-known business schools. Can also be used as a monolingual (French) dictiona... | | | | | | X Sign in to your ProZ.com account... | | | | | | |