Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Localizare română

Localizare în limba română

Echipa proiectului de localizare a sitului în limba română.
Team leader
Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis
Marketing, IT, e-commerce and travel
Team members 10
Maria Diaconu
Maria Diaconu
A translator for all seasons
I specialize in medical and pharmaceutical translations.
I am not a medical professional, but a language professional who tries to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field by reading particular journals and websites.
Some of my translation experience includes:
informed consent forms (ICFs), clinical trial protocols, packaging and inserts, scientific articles, advertisements.
This was my first localization project, and my first time to discover the benefits and challenges of teamwork: a truly enjoyable and enriching experience!
Dan Marasescu
Dan Marasescu
Inactive for the moment
I specialize in cars and trucks, communication devices, IT and photography.
Valentin Alupoaie
Valentin Alupoaie
Catch phrase under construction
Cristina Monica Loşonţi
Cristina Monica Loşonţi
PhD in Geography
Emanuel Bod
Emanuel Bod
Top quality translations, consistently.
I have a MA degree in Translation and Terminology Studies. I have 1 year experience as in-house translator at a software localization company. Besides that, in my 6 year experience as freelance translator I have worked on the localization of software, web sites, PDAs and handhelds, mobile phones.

I am also a web designer and programmer myself, so I am familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Apache. I am proficient in the use of CAT and localization software like: Trados, Alchemy Catalyst, RoboHelp.

Your web site or software, no matter how complex, is in good hands!
Cristina Butas
Cristina Butas
Marketing, e-commerce, IT
Freelance translator, reviser and proofreader with nine years of experience, specializing in business, financial and IT translations, working from English and French into Romanian.
Bianca Fogarasi
Bianca Fogarasi
EU topics. Translator/revisor since 2002
Deeply in love with my job, workaholic actually. At present, living in Belgium, passionate about everything related to POLITICS, HISTORY & ENVIRONMENT; I'm also studying Spanish as my 4th language. Loved this teamwork, hope to do some again! I aim to become a permanent European functionary as translator or interpreter. When I don’t translate, I spend too many hours watching movies. That’s passion no. 2. I’d love to do SUBTITLING – would be a great way to mix work & fun at the same time!
Thomas Tolnai
Thomas Tolnai
It's all cultural
I have a BA in Applied Modern Languages and an MA in Translation and Terminology Studies.

Since I graduated I've been a freelance translator but I wish to develop a translation company. I am also an associate junior lecturer at the department of Applied Modern Languages within Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
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