We're accustomed to glamour in London SE26: Kelly Brook and Jason Statham used to live above the dentist. But when Anouska Hempel's heels hit the cracked cement of the parking space outside my flat, it's hard not to think of those Picture Post photographs of royalty visiting bombed-out families during the second world war. Her mission in my modest tract of suburbia is, however, about more than offering sympathy. Hempel—the woman who invented the boutique hotel before it bore any such proprietary name—has come to give me information for which, judging by the spreads in interiors magazines and anxious postings on online DIY forums, half the property-owners in the Western world seem desperate: how to give an ordinary home the look and the vibe of a five-star, £750-a-night hotel suite. To Hempelise, in this case, a modest conversion flat formed from the middle slice of a three-storey Victorian semi.
"You could do it," she says, casting an eye around my kitchen. "Anyone could do it. Absolutely no reason why not. But there has to be continuity between the rooms. A single idea must be followed through." She looks out wistfully over the fire escape. "And you'd have to buy the house next door, of course." That's a joke. I think.
It's worth pausing, though, to consider the oddness of this impulse. The hotel room is an amnesiac space. We would be troubled if it bore any sign of a previous occupant, particularly as many of us go to hotels in order to do things we would not do at home. We expect a hotel room to be cleaned as thoroughly as if a corpse had just been hauled from the bed. (In some cases, this will actually have happened.) The domestic interior embodies the opposite idea: it is a repository of memories. The story of its inhabitants ought to be there in the photos on the mantelpiece, the pictures on the wall, the books on the shelves. If hotel rooms were people, they would be smiling lobotomy patients or plausible psychopaths. | Jemi mesuar me famen ne Londren Jug lindore SE26: Kelly Brook dhe Jason Statham jetonin ketu mbi kliniken dentare. Por kur takat e Anouska Hempelit u degjuan ne cimenton e krisur te vendit te parkimit para apartamentit tim, nuk eshte e veshtire te te shkojne neper mendje ato fotografi te pjetareve te shtepise mbreterore gjate visitave ne shtepite e familjeve te bombarduara gjate luftes se dyte boterore. Misioni i saj ne kete cep modest te lagjes time eshte, sidoqofte, me teper se sa te sympatizohet. Hempel - gruaja qe shpiku hotelin boutique para se te merrte kete emer te mirenjohur - ka ardhur te me japi informacion per te cilin duke gjykuar nga faqet e revistave shtepiake dhe postimet e ankthshme ne forumet DIY( Beje Vete) ne internet, gjysma e pronareve te shtepive ne boten Perendimore mezi e presin: si te shderosh nje shtepie te thjeshte ne nje hapesire qe i shembellon nje dhome 750 paundshe - ne nate ne nje hotel me pese yje. Te flasim si Hempel, ne kete rast, nje konvertim i thjeshte i nje apartemanti i formuar nga shtresa e mesit e nje gjusme godine Victoriane me tree kate. 'Behet' me thote, duke i hedhur nje sy guzhines time. 'Kushdo mund ta beje. Nuk ka absolutisht asnje aresye pse jo. Por duhet te kete nje vazhdueshmesi midis dhomave. Nje ide unike duhet te ndiqet deri ne fund'. Veshtrimi i saj eshte fixuar mendushem tek dalja e emergences. ' Dhe, sigurisht, duhet te blesh shpine ngjitur'. Po ben shaka. Me duket. ... Megjithate ja vlen te ndalemi ketu per nje moment dhe te konsiderojme sa i cuditshem ky impuls eshte. Dhoma e hotelit eshte nje hapesire amnesiake. Ne do te shqetesoheshim nese do te mbarste shenja te okupuesve te meparshem,vecanerisht kur shume nga ne shkojme ne hotel ne menyre qe te bejme gjera qe nuk mund te bejme ne shtepi. Duam qe dhoma e hotelit te jete a pastruar cep me cep sikur nje kadaver sapo eshte levizur nga shtrati.( ne disa raste, kjo actualisht ka ndodhur). Por dekorimi i shtepise nenkupton te kunderten: eshte nje vend ku kujtimet tona jetojne. Historia e banueseve duhet te jete aty ne fotografite mbi oxhak, ne pikturat varur ne mure, dhe librat ne rafte. Nese dhomat e hoteleve do te ishin njerez, ato do te ishin paciente te buzeqeshur lobotomie ose psikopate te besueshem |