Member since Nov '10

Working languages:
Japanese to English
Chinese to English

John Fry - Localization Ninja Inc
Expert Japanese and Chinese translation

Lake Dallas, Texas, United States
Local time: 08:39 CST (GMT-6)

Native in: English Native in English
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6 positive reviews
(2 unidentified)

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User message
Rock-solid business and technical translations delivered on time
Account type Freelancer and outsourcer, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization
Specializes in:
IT (Information Technology)Internet, e-Commerce
Electronics / Elect EngPatents
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightMedical (general)
Computers (general)Computers: Software
Computers: Systems, NetworksComputers: Hardware

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Check, Money order
Company size <3 employees
Year established 2012
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), Singapore dollars (sgd), U. S. dollars (usd)
Standards / Certification(s) SDL Certified
Translation education PhD - Stanford University
Experience Years of experience: 15. Registered at Jun 2009. Became a member: Nov 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Japanese to English (Linguistics PhD, Stanford University)
Memberships JAT
Software Adobe Acrobat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Linux, PhraseApp, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Events and training
Professional practices Localization Ninja Inc endorses's Professional Guidelines.

John Fry

I've been working full-time as a professional Japanese-English and Chinese-English translator since 2009. I translate mainly technical and business documents, including websites, reports, presentations, press releases, technical manuals, and scientific papers, from Japanese and Chinese into English. My long experience allows me to translate documents into natural, idiomatic English, while retaining the precision, nuance, and persuasiveness of the original. I typically work through language service providers (translation agencies), but I'm sometimes available for individual projects for direct clients, or I can recommend other translators for these projects.

I am a member of the American Translators Association (ATA), the Japan Association of Translators (JAT, 日本翻訳者協会), and the Society of Writers, Editors, and Translators.

2009年から日英翻訳者として働いております。主に特許、ウェブサイト、レポート、プレゼンテーション、プレスリリース、技術マニュアル、科学論文などの技術文書やビジネス文書を翻訳しております。長年の経験により、意味の正確さ、ニュアンス、説得力を維持しながら、日本語のテキスト・ドキュメントを自然で慣用的な英語に翻訳いたします。 弊社は 100万ドル相当の誤字や文字の脱落をカバーする専門職 賠償責任保険に加入しておりますのでご安心ください。 法人のお客様、個人のお客様を問わず、ご質問がございましたら お気軽にご連絡くださいませ。


I earned a BA in Linguistics and Computer Science from UCLA, followed by a Ph.D. in Linguistics, with a minor in Computer Science, from Stanford University. After earning my Ph.D., I worked as a computational linguist (at PARC, SRI, and elsewhere) and taught courses in linguistics and language technology at San Jose State University and Boise State University. I also spent several years living in Japan, working at Koei (in Tokyo) and NAIST (in Tsukuba). Although I enjoyed my time in the corporate, academic, and research arenas, I'm happiest being a self-employed translator because the work is challenging and fascinating, I can choose my own hours and workplace, and there are no meetings!


  • What I wanted to say was understood properly. The quality of English sentences was also very good.
  • You are amazingly fast but your translation is always so accurate and high quality... We are always so impressed by and appreciative of your great work!
  • Provides high quality work with quick turnaround times.
  • As always your quality levels are excellent; the changes made by the client are all minor and are well within our SLA thresholds, so I’m a happy Quality Manager :-)
  • I was very much impressed by your beautiful and perfect translation, and most importantly, your understanding level of Japanese which seems very high.
  • Translation quality was excellent!
  • Your translation has been impressive (highly appreciated!) and I have been informing all the directors that your translation is excellent and we hope to keep a good business partnership with you in future too.
  • Your translation work is fast, efficient, and perfect. Thank you very much for your excellent and high-quality translation and your kind support as always!
  • いつも迅速にご対応くださいまして、そして、いつも完璧で上質な英訳を届けてくださいまして有難うございます。大変助かっております。
  • とてもわかりにくい和文を、すっきりとした英文にしてくださりありがとうござ いました。
  • 英訳に関しまして、いつもタイトな中、クオリティの高い成果物をいただき誠にありがとうございます。
  • Fryさんにいい翻訳を上げてもらい助かりました。
  • 読みやすいネイティブ英語です。
  • 英訳は大変質が高く、本当に助かっております。
  • 迅速で的確な英訳には、いつも弊社一同、大変感謝しております。改めて御礼申し上げいます。
  • ジョン様の英訳は大変質が高く、本当に助かっております。
  • いつも短納期で高品質の英訳をご納品いただき大変感謝しております。
  • 英訳は、日本語を日本人以上に的確に捉え、英文としてもクオリティが非常に高く、非常に素晴らしい英訳です。


  • 翻訳データと成果物データの送受信後に、適切な保管を行っている
  • PCをパスワードで保護している
  • 該当フォルダーやHDDをパスワードで保護している
  • 作業中に公共のWi-Fiネットワークを使用しないようにしている
  • セキュリティソフト(ウィルス対策ソフト)の導入・アップデート
  • 定期的なウィルススキャンの実施
  • メールに記載されたURLや添付ファイルはよく確認してからアクセスしている
  • 危険メールの対策(迷惑メールフィルタ、不審なメールは開かない、リンクにアクセスしない等)
  • ルーターのファームウェアを最新のものに更新している
  • 自分以外の人とPCや文書フォルダの共有設定をしていない
  • 翻訳終了後に該当データを破棄している
  • PCや資料の盗難、火災等に対する予防措置を行っている
  • 業務上知り得た情報の漏えい防止に努めている
  • 業務上知り得た情報の悪用はしない
  • Windows Updateを随時行う等、OSやソフトウェアに最新の修正プログラムを適用して、常にOS/ソフトウェアを安全な状態に維持・管理している

Document Security Policies

My clients include international law firms and some of Japan's largest multinational corporations. I am committed to protecting their documents and files through security best practices, including:

  • Strictly obeying the terms of signed NDAs.
  • Never storing client files on portable USB storage devices.
  • Never posting to blogs or social media.
  • Never outsourcing translation work to other translators.
  • Backing up daily to a secure, private remote server (not "the cloud").
  • Destroying all materials (source, target, reference, and backup) upon completion of a project.
  • Keeping computers free of malware and file-sharing programs.
  • Using high-strength encryption, MAC and port filtering, and email over SSL/TLS.

Quality Translations, Fully Insured

To provide clients with peace of mind, I carry one million dollars’ worth of professional liability insurance from The Hartford Financial Services Group. Specifically, the following is covered:

  • Professional liability: claims and lawsuits related to errors or omissions in our professional work
  • Personal injury liability: claims and lawsuits for defamation, slander, advertising injury and other types of personal injury
  • Personally identifiable information liability: claims and lawsuits for misuse or dissemination of personally identifiable information
Keywords: Japanese, English, computers, software, hardware, networking, linux, unix, engineering, website. See more.Japanese, English, computers, software, hardware, networking, linux, unix, engineering, website, patent, patents, technical, 翻訳, 翻訳者, 日本語から英語への翻訳者, 日英翻訳, 知財翻訳, 日英知財翻訳. See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 6

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