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Chinese to English: Video gaming sample 1 General field: Marketing Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - Chinese 普通燃料推进器:这类推进器一般用于家用的小型宇宙飞船。
Translation - English Ordinary fuel boosters: These propellers are generally used for household small spacecraft.
Cultivation liquid: a basic energy liquid to cultivate materials substance, to provide an effective living environment for the materials
Gravity laser cannon: a weapon that can slow down space and time
Neutron Missile Launcher: a kind of strong- radiation tactical nuclear weapon that uses high-energy neutron radiation as the main killing factor, in fact it is an ultra-small hydrogen bombm that is detonated by micro atomic bomb.
Spiritual ruling field of force: the high-energy spiritual- power field of force that is formed after the commander's spiritual- power is completely connected using the ruling class spiritual power amplifier.
Fire valve: a valve that is extremely heat resistant.
High- heat combustion-supporting device: The functions of Coase-dragon type have always had an outstanding performance, but it appeared to be inadequate when facing the powerful strength of ancient Gumisi- dragon type. Therefore such kind of protective device has been specifically developed.
E-cannon: an electronic cannon researched and developed using electronic pulse technology, which can damage normal communication equipment.
Intelligence starter: a set of intelligence starter that can change according to the external conditions
Chinese to English: Video gaming sample#2 General field: Marketing Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - Chinese 游戏FAQ
A:迁城的时候您要将 部队驻防在城内,并且要将该部队的补给城市选择要迁走的这个城,如果部队不是该城补给是不会一起迁走的哦~会留在原地滴!
Translation - English Game FAQ
Q: Why when the city moved, but its troops did not move along with city?
A: When the city is being moved, you should make the troops stationed in the city, and choose the city that’s been moved as the city to provide the military supplies for the troops. Otherwise if the military supplies are not to be provided by that city, the troops will be staying at the original place!
Q: how to build sub-city?
A: When the grade of Lord reaches level 30, first build fortress in the main city, and then create an archon in the fortress, and then send the archon to station in the small village where you want to create a sub-city, you can now create a sub-city, PS: after level 30, every time promotes 10 levels can make one more sub-city, meanwhile need one more archon.
Q: How to get the Magic Stone in the game?
A: After you recharge and convert into the magic crystal, can go to the mall and buy gift parcel with the magic crystal, open the gift parcel to get the Magic Stone. You can also auction the valuable items that you have obtained in the wilderness fight to get the Magic Stone.
Q: Based on what is the wilderness refreshed?
A: It is refreshed based on the character’s online- activities level, and the new wilderness will be refreshed within certain time after the disappearance of the last wilderness, it is recommended to choose the daily alliance task in the city where the wilderness has not been brushed, in that way, it will also bring out that city's wilderness.
Q: how to remove other people's tagged notes?
A: The tagged notes cannot be removed; you can tag another one on your own to overwrite the notes tagged of you by someone else.
Q: What about the strengthening of the equipment?
A: The strengthening of the equipment is to enhance the existing property of the equipment, for example, helmets plus defense and internal affairs, when you strengthen it, the defense and internal affairs will also be enhanced along the way.
Q: What is the use of the state of chaos?
A: In the game, under ordinary circumstances, cannot go through but detour the hostile cities, or those cities with yellow name but has set up as neutral where going through is not permitted. But, after playing chaos, can then directly go through from above. This is the use of the state of chaos after attack, which is normally to get through enemy occupied territory.
English to Chinese: Market condition principles General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Market conduct principles
Sun Life Financial's commitment to focus on the customer is fundamental to our success. In support of this commitment, Sun Life Financial has developed Market Conduct Principles effective worldwide for its operations.
We want to take the opportunity to share some of these Principles with you. As marketing and sales professionals, you play a critical role with the customer. Your relationship to the customer offers opportunities to create appropriate expectations about our products and services and establish customer satisfaction, when these expectations are met.
In the design and marketing of products and services, we will endeavor to:
· Assess both market and customer needs to create products and services that have value for the intended audience
· Provide advertising and sales materials that are accurate, fair and clear
· Periodically review the appropriateness of existing products' features and benefits
In the recruitment, selection and training of distributors of products and services, we will endeavor to:
· Engage ethical and competent distributors who are knowledgeable about Sun Life Financial's products and services
· Provide adequate support to our distributors for education and training about our products and services
In the sale of our products and services, we will endeavor to:
· Conduct business with integrity and fairness
· Provide competent and customer-focused sales
· Engage in fair competition
In the ongoing servicing and support of customers who have purchased our products and services, we will endeavor to:
· Provide competent, timely and customer-focused service
· Provide fair and expeditious handling of customer claims, complaints and disputes
· Respect and protect our customers' personal information as outlined in Sun Life Financial's Privacy Policy for Producers
· Comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to our business
Translation - Chinese 市場行為準則
Sun Life Financial 以客戶為尊的承諾是我們成功的基礎。為了奉行這項承諾,Sun Life Financial 制訂了市場行為準則,以供全球業務運作的有效遵行。
· 評估市場和客戶的需求,以創造出對適用對象有價值的產品和服務
· 提供正確、公正和清晰的廣告和銷售材料
· 定期檢討現有產品的功能和優點是否適當
· 培養有職業道德及才幹的經銷商,他們充分瞭解 Sun Life Financial 的產品和服務
· 對我們的經銷商提供充分的支持,以教育和培訓來加強對產品和服務的認識
· 秉持誠信和公平的原則發展業務
· 提供稱職並以客戶為尊的銷售
· 從事公平競爭
· 提供稱職,及時並以客戶為尊的服務
· 對於客戶的理賠、投訴和糾紛,提供公正和迅速地處理
· 遵照 Sun Life Financial 業者隱私權政策的規定,尊重並保護客戶的個人資料
· 遵守適用於本公司業務的所有法律、法規和規章
English to Chinese: Sunlife Project General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Financial glossary
Asset - Property with a market value that can be sold for cash. This can include stocks, bonds, real estate, and privately held stock. Liquid assets can be sold quickly, while illiquid (or long-term) assets, such as real estate or a small business, usually take some time to sell.
Asset Allocation - A strategy for balancing risk within a portfolio. A predetermined percentage of investment dollars is placed in financial products that preserve principal. The remaining investment dollars are placed in financial products that seek growth. The goal is to achieve for the portfolio the highest expected return without taking on more risk than the investor wants to accept.
Asset Class - A group of assets with similar risk and reward characteristics. Cash, debt instruments, real estate, and equities are all examples of asset classes. Within a general asset class, such as equities, there are more specific asset classes such as large and small companies and domestic and international companies.
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Basis Point - One basis point is one one-hundredth of a percentage point and is used to express bond yields. It is also used when describing currency fluctuations and indices movement.
Bear Market - A stock market whose index of representative stocks, such as the Toronto Stock Exchanges 300 Composite Index, is declining in value. A "bearish" investor believes that share prices will fall.
Blue Chip Stock - Stocks with good investment qualities. They are usually common shares of well-established companies with good earnings records and regular dividend payments that are known nationally for the quality and wide acceptance of their products and services. These companies are usually very large.
Bond - A debt instrument issued by governments and large corporations. A bond is a promise by the issuer to pay the full amount on maturity plus interest payments at regular intervals.
Broker - An agent or corporation (brokerage) who handles the public's orders to purchase and sell securities, commodities, or other property. They make money by charging a commission on their services. There are different types of brokers, including discount brokers and full service brokers.
Bull Market - A stock market whose index or averages have been rising in value. A "bullish" investor believes that share prices will rise in the future.
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Capital Gain - A profit made on the sale of an asset when the market price rises above the purchase price. Profit that is made from the sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, or other capital assets is considered a capital gain. This is often taxed at a different rate than other income sources.
Common Stock - A security that represents ownership in a corporation.
Credit Quality - A measure of the likelihood that a company will be able to make interest and principal payments on its bonds or other debt securities. Standard & Poor's Corporation and Moody's Investors Service rate the credit quality of publicly traded debt securities. Bonds with the highest credit quality ratings are known as investment grade, and bonds with poor credit quality are known as speculative or "junk" bonds.
Current Return - The annual return on an investment expressed in dollars. For instance "I got a return of $2,000 on those shares I bought last week".
Current Yield - The annual rate of retune on an investment as expressed as a percentage.
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Debt - An obligation to pay a specific amount in money, goods, or services to another party. This is also commonly known as a liability. When buying stock, you would be advised to select companies whose total debt is equal to no more than a third of total assets. Debt and asset figures can be found in Value Line Ratings and Reports, in Standard & Poor's Stock Reports, or in a company's annual report. Usually, the lower the debt ratio, the safer and better the company.
Derivative - An investment vehicle, the value of which is based on another security's value. Futures contracts, forward contracts, and options are among the most common types. Institutional investors generally use derivatives to increase overall portfolio return or to hedge portfolio risk.
Dividend - A distribution of a corporation's earnings. May be issued in the form of cash, stock, or property.
Domicile - The location where an individual, partnership, or corporation establishes permanent residence as per legal obligations.
Dow Jones Industrial Average - A trademark for one of the oldest and most widely quoted measures of the stock market price movements. The average is calculated by adding the share price of thirty large, seasoned industrial firms that represent various components in the economy. The term "Dow Jones Industrial Average" or "the Dow" is sometimes used synonymously for the "stock market."
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Equities - Ownership interest in a firm. Also, in a brokerage account, equity equals the value of the account's securities minus any debit balance in a margin account. Equity is also shorthand for stock market investments.
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Fixed Income - Investments that have specified interest rates, such as bonds.
Forward Contract - An over-the-counter obligation to buy or sell a financial instrument or to make a payment at some point in the future, the details of which were settled privately between the two counterparties. Forward contracts generally are arranged to have zero mark-to-market value at inception, although they may be off-market. Examples include forward foreign exchange contracts in which one party is obligated to buy foreign exchange from another party at a fixed rate for delivery on a pre-set date. Off-market forward contracts are used often in structured combinations, with the value on the forward contract offsetting the value of the other instrument(s).
Fundamental Analysis - The study of the basic facts that determine a securities value. A fundamental analysis of a mutual fund includes the study of the securities within the fund, the manager, the philosophy, the expenses, and the average P/E ratio.
Futures Contract - An agreement to purchase or sell a specific collection of securities or a physical commodity at a specified price and time in the future. For example, an S&P 500 futures contract represents ownership interest in the S&P 500 Index, at a specified price for delivery on a specific date on a particular exchange.
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Global Fund - A type of mutual fund, closed-end fund or exchange-traded fund that can invest in companies located anywhere in the world, including the investor's own country. These funds provide more global opportunities for diversification and act as a hedge against inflation and currency risks.
Growth Stock - A stock trading, relative to the overall market, at a high price-to-earnings ratio (or at a relatively low book-to-market ratio) because the market anticipates, relative to the overall market, rapid earnings growth.
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Hedge Fund - A fund that generally has the ability to invest in a wide variety of asset classes. These funds also often use leverage in an attempt to increase returns.
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I Bond - A bond that provides both a fixed rate of return and an inflation protection component. The principal value of the bond increases by the total of the fixed rate and the inflation component. The income is deferred for tax purposes until funds are withdrawn from the account holding the bond.
Income Stock - The companies that are considered income stocks provide good dividends combined with some growth potential and often have excellent long-term earnings track records.
Indexes - These are created and used as benchmarks to measure stock, bond, and money market performances of a singular security to a group of securities. For example a particular stock against its market sector or versus all sectors.
International Fund - A mutual fund that can invest in companies located anywhere outside of its investors' country of residence.
Investment Adviser - A professional who offers his or her expertise to the public for a fee. An investment adviser is usually someone with special qualifications including professional expertise in stocks, mutual funds, insurance, or some other related activity.
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Junk Bond - This type of bond has generally been used to finance higher risk activities, corporate restructurings, and leveraged buy-outs.
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Leverage - Postponement of the taxation of income until a future year.
Liabilities - s you or a company owe to various creditors, including bank loans, mortgages, credit card balances, and accounts payable.
Lipper - Lipper is a Reuter's company that provides comprehensive fund analysis and comparisons.
Liquidity - The ability of a market for a security to absorb a reasonable amount of buying or selling with-out major price changes. This can also mean how easy it is to get in our out of an investment.
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Market Timing - The act of selling investments before they decrease in value and buying when they are about to increase in value. Market-timer investors will move their money among stocks, bonds, and money market instruments based on their expectations of short-term price changes in the capital markets.
Money Market - The market in which short-term, highly liquid, low-risk assets such as Treasury bills (T bills), bank certificates of deposit (CDs), corporate commercial paper, and bankers' acceptances (short-term credit instruments created by non-financial firm and guaranteed by a bank) are traded.
Mutual Funds - Professionally managed pools of investments which provide an individual investor with an opportunity to invest in the stock market or other areas without the responsibility of making specific investments.
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NASDAQ - An acronym for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. An information network that provides brokers and dealers with price quotations for trading on the over-the-counter-market.
Net Asset Value - The actual true value of each share of a mutual fund. This is calculated by dividing the total value of the fun by the number of shares the fund currently has outstanding.
Notional Value - The total value of a leveraged position's assets. This term is commonly used in the options, futures and currency markets because in them a very little amount of invested money can control a large position (have a large consequence for the trader).
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Option - A device used to speculate or hedge in securities markets. Buying a "call" option gives an investor the right to buy a specified number of shares at a certain price within a specified time; buying a "put" option gives and investor the right to sell a certain number of shares at a specified price within a certain time frame.
OTC (Over the Counter) - A security traded in some context other than on a formal exchange such as the NYSE, TSX, AMEX, etc. The phrase "over-the-counter" can be used to refer to stocks that trade via a dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchange. It also refers to debt securities and other financial instruments such as derivatives, which are traded through a dealer network.
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Par Value - The stated value of a security printed on its certificate. A bond's par value is the dollar amount on which interest is calculated and the amount paid to holders at maturity. The par value of preferred stock is used in a similar way to calculate the annual dividend. Par value can also be the minimum contribution made by investors to purchase a share of common stock at the time of issue.
Preferred Stock - Like common stock that represents ownership in the issuing company, but which has claims against the earnings and assets of the firm ahead of common stock shareholders. Preferred stock pays a higher level of investment income and retains a higher level of market stability than common stock.
Private Placements - The sale of a bond or other security directly to a limited number of investors. For example, sale of stocks, bonds, or other investments directly to an institutional investor like an insurance company, avoiding the need of SEC registration if the securities are purchased for investment as opposed to resale.
Public Bonds - Bonds issued by the U.S. government, local governments, municipalities, and public companies. When an investor buys bonds, hoe or she is lending money. The seller of the bond agrees to repay the principal amount of the loan at a specified time. Interest bearing bonds pay interest periodically.
Put - An option contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell a security at a predetermined price on a specific date or during a specific period of time.
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Quantitative Analysis - The study of numerical information for the basis of decision-making. Under quantitative theory, everything is expressed in a measurable form and is therefore predictable. Investors who subscribe to this theory believe that by studying specific market data they can accurately predict the market's movements.
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Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - A corporation or trust that owns, manages, acquires, develops, and finances income producing real estate. A REIT allows smaller investors to invest in commercial real estate by purchasing shares of the REIT on a public stock exchange.
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Short - Borrowing a security for the purpose of immediately selling it. This is done with the expectation that the investor will be able to buy the security back at a later date, at a lower price.
Swap - Traditionally, the exchange of one security for another to change the maturity (bonds), quality of issues (stocks or bonds), or because investment objectives have changed. Recently, swaps have grown to include currency swaps and interest rate swaps.
Style Drift - The moving away from the original asset allocation of a portfolio, either by the purchasing of securities outside the particular asset class a fund represents or by significant differences in performance of the various asset classes within a portfolio.
Synthetic Convertible Bonds - Combination of usable bonds and warrants (that expire on or after the bond's maturity) that resemble convertible bonds.
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Treasury Inflation Protected Security (TIPS) - A bond that receives a fixed stated rate of return, but also increases its principal by the changes in the Consumer Price Index. Its fixed interest payment is calculated on the inflated principal, which is eventually repaid at maturity.
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Value Stocks - Companies that have relatively low price-to-earnings ratios or relatively high book-to-market ratios. These are considered the opposite of growth stocks.
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World Fund - A mutual fund that invests in securities from several different countries, including the United States. World funds typically have a significant portion of their capital invested in U.S.-listed securities, but also spread their investment capital among securities from several other countries. This structure limits exposure to any specific country and limits exchange rate risks.
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Yield - The amount of interest or dividend paid on a loan or an investment, expressed as a percentage. The yield on a stock is calculated by dividing the dividend by the current market price.
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Zero Coupon Bond - This type of bond matures at its face value, is sold at a deep discount to its face value and pays no coupons. The key advantage of this type of bond is that there is no reinvestment risk, although there is the draw back of not being able to benefit from a rise in market interest rates.
Chinese to English: Great Wall Automobile (长城汽车) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese 专注是一种信仰
Translation - English Focus is a belief
It makes us concentrate, fast-forwarding
Focus is the persistence
It lets us join hands together to face challenges with one heart
Focus is wisdom
It allows us to see the real value, and always maintain the faith to be the lead
It is the focus that makes us grasp the advantages and opportunity in the market
Technical specialization, lead the future.
Tomorrow, the Great Wall Motors will work with partners to battle the market, a toast to celebrate success.
Focusing brings up the leader
Chinese to English: Air China General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
n 一流的机上座椅,宽敞的空间与良好的私密性有机结合,有直立位、工作位、平躺等多种选择状态,通用的电源插座,更加方便工作和娱乐;
n 精心烹调的餐食,适应不同口味旅客的喜好,还有机会享受点餐服务;
n 北京可电话预定免费豪华车接送或中转豪华酒店服务,服务中包括全程引导和首都机场3号航站楼电瓶车接送机服务。
n 全流程无缝隙尊贵服务让旅客由始至终感觉方便体贴。
n 鉴于您通过网上办理乘机登记手续的时间距航班起飞时间较长,所乘航班可能发生变动,请您到达机场后,通过各种航班动态显示牌(屏)查询您所乘航班的起飞时间和登机口信息。您也可在前往机场前再次登陆国航网站(,点击“进出港信息”栏,查询您所乘航班的最新动态。
Translation - English Enjoy the Distinguished Journey Between Heaven and Earth
Air China has been emphasizing on the comfort of passengers in their entire journey from the ground to sky, and continuously improves multiple exclusive services in the carefully built “Forbidden Pavilion” First Class and “Capital Pavilion” Business Class cabins on the 13 flights between China and Europe and North America, to let you start your pleasant business trip energetically.
l First-class in-flight seats, spacious and integrated with excellent privacy, have several adjustable positions: upright, working, or lie-flat, etc. There are also standard power outlets, more convenient for your work and entertainment uses.
l Carefully prepared delectable dishes adapt to the preferences of passengers. Passengers also can enjoy the convenience of booking meal reservations.
l In Beijing, passengers can make reservations for free Limousine ground transportation service by phone and will be provided free accommodation at a luxury hotel with a flight transfer. The services also include the whole-process guidance and free Electronic Cart transportation service to and from the boarding gate at Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital International Airport.
l Whole journey seamless valued services are provided for convenience and consideration of the passengers from the beginning to end.
l From the time you complete the online check-in to the time when the flight will take off, the flight schedule could change, so after arriving at the airport, please check the flight schedule board for the departure time and boarding gate information of your flight. You can also log on to the Air China website ( before leaving for the airport, click on “flight status” column and check the current status of your flight.
l In case of special circumstances such as the loss of your boarding pass, please bring a valid ID to the Air China check-in counters No. 40 and 41, 3rd Island, San Francisco Airport International Terminal to contact the staff; if you have luggage to be checked, please come to Air China check-in counters No. 40 and 41 at 3rd Island to have your luggage checked.
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