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English to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour English to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour Serbian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour Croatian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour
English to Serbian: Diversifying Your Portfolio/Diversifikacija Vaseg portfolija General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - English The goal of diversification is to reduce the risk involved in building a portfolio. Volatility is limited by the fact that not all asset classes or industries or individual companies move up and down in value at the same time or at the same rate. While this limits the rate of growth as well, it reduces the likelihood of substantial losses and allows for more consistent performance under a wide range of economic conditions.
Devising an asset allocation plan is the first step toward diversifying a portfolio. Dividing funds between different asset classes provides some protection against loss when one type of investment is underperforming. Because the values of different investments often move in opposite directions, investing in a range of securities reduces the risk that all assets will be decreasing in value at the same time. The process of diversification, however, does not end with asset allocation.
Within asset classes, it is important to purchase securities from a variety of industries, so that poor performance in one area will not send an entire portfolio reeling. Certain industries perform better under certain economic conditions, but a diverse portfolio should continue to build overall value under almost any conditions. Diversification should then continue even within industries by purchasing securities from a mix of companies that serve different roles within the industry. A single stock in a high-flying industry may still fail, but a group of ten diverse stocks within that industry will have lower volatility than just one would.
Learning enough about the many industries and companies that make up a diverse portfolio is no easy task. A great deal of research is required to make good decisions. For investors who wish to learn about a few specific areas to pick individual investments, mutual funds can fill in the gaps. Professionals design mutual funds to have a great deal of diversification built in. Even mutual funds that focus on a particular part of a particular industry will usually provide the chance to invest in a broad cross-section of that sector.
Translation - Serbian Cilj diversifikacije je smanjenje rizika povezanog sa stvaranjem portfolija. Promenjivost je ogranicena cinjenicom da nisu sve grupe imovine ili privredne grane ili pojedinacne kompanije podlozne promenama u vrednosti navise ili nanize u isto vreme ili u istom obimu. Iako to takodje ogranicava stopu rasta, smanjuje mogucnost znacajnih gubitaka i omogucava stalnije performanse usled sirokog uticaja ekonomskih uslova.
Stvaranje plana alokacije imovine je prvi korak ka diversifikaciji portfolija. Raspodela sredstava izmedju razlicitih grupa imovine omogucava odredjenu zastitu od gubitka kada jedan tip investicije podbaci. S obzirom da vrednosti razlicitih investicija cesto idu u suprotnim smerovima, investiranje u razlicite hartije od vrednosti smanjuje rizik smanjenja celokupne vrednosti imovine u isto vreme. Proces diversifikacije, sa druge strane, ne prestaje alokacijom imovine.
U okviru grupa imovine, vazno je kupiti hartije od vrednosti razlicitih privrednih grana, tako da losi pokazatelji u jednoj oblasti ne povuku ceo portfolio nadole. Odredjene privredne grane posluju bolje pod odredjenim ekonomskim uslovima, ali diversifikovani portfolio bi trebalo da nastavi sa stvaranjem ukupne vrednosti pod gotovo svim uslovima. Diversifikacija bi zatim trebalo da se nastavi cak i unutar privrednih grana, kupovinom hartija od vrednosti veceg broja kompanija koje igraju razlicite uloge unutar privredne grane. Jedne akcije u privrednoj grani koja napreduje ipak mogu da podbace, dok ce grupa deset razlicitih akcija u toj grani biti manje podlozna promena od samo jedne.
Znati dovoljno o mnogim privrednim granama i kompanijama koje cine diversifikovani portfolio, nije lak zadatak. Potrebno je znacajno istrazivanje kako bi se donele ispravne odluke. Za investitore koji zele da nauce o specificnim oblastima u kojima bi odabrali pojedinacne investicije, zajednicki fondovi bi mogli da popune praznine. Profesionalci oblikuju zajednicke fondove tako da imaju znacajno diversifikovanu strukturu. Cak i zajednicki fondovi koji se fokusiraju na odredjeni deo odredjene privredne grane, uglavnom obezbedjuju priliku da se investira u veci broj razlicitih delatnosti u okviru tog sektora.
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Sep 2010.
English to Serbian and English to Croatian translator;
Business, Finance and IT expert;
Specialized in Investments, Securities, Commercial Softwares, Real Estate and Insurance.
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