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Translation, Interpreting, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, Transcription, Training
Specializes in:
Education / Pedagogy
Finance (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Tourism & Travel
Government / Politics
Also works in:
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Real Estate
Human Resources
IT (Information Technology)
Investment / Securities
Internet, e-Commerce
Law: Contract(s)
Computers (general)
Science (general)
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.12 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 10 - 20 USD per hour
English to Indonesian: English to Indonesian Translation Sample (Contract: Goods) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___ day of _________, 20__, by and between ___________________, the Seller, and ___________________, the Buyer:
1. The seller hereby undertakes to transfer and deliver to the buyer on or before __________, 20__, the following described goods:
(Describe the goods)
2. The buyer hereby undertakes to accept the goods and pay for them in accordance with the terms of the contract.
3. It is agreed that identification shall not be deemed to have been made until both the buyer and the seller have agreed that the goods in question are to be appropriated to the performance of the contract with the buyer.
4. The buyer shall make payment for the goods at the time (when) and at the place (where) the goods are received by him.
5. Goods shall be deemed received by the buyer when received by him at (describe a place).
6. The risk of loss from any casualty to the goods
regardless of the cause thereof shall be on the seller until the goods have been accepted by the buyer.
7. The seller warrants that the goods are now free and at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.
8. The seller further warrants that at the time of
signing this contract he neither knows nor has reason to know of the existence of any outstanding title or claim of title hostile to his rights in the goods.
9. The buyer shall have the right to examine the goods on arrival, and within business days after such delivery he must give notice to the seller of any claim for damages on account of the condition, quality, or grade of the property, and must specify the basis of his claim in detail.
The failure of the buyer to comply with these rules shall constitute irrevocable acceptance of the goods.
10. Executed in duplicate, one copy of which was
delivered to and retained by the buyer, the day and year first above written.
Translation - Indonesian PERJANJIAN INI dibuat dan diadakan pada tanggal ______ 20__, oleh dan antara __________, sebagai Penjual, dan __________, sebagai Pembeli:
1. Penjual dengan ini sepakat untuk menjual dan menyerahkan kepada Pembeli sebelum atau pada tanggal __________ 20__ jenis barang berupa:
(Sebutkan barang yang dimaksud)
2. Pembeli dengan ini sepakat untuk menerima jenis barang yang telah disebutkan diatas dan membayar sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang disepakati dalam kontrak.
3. Penandatanganan Perjanjian ini tidak akan dibuat sampai kedua belah pihak setuju bahwa barang tersebut sudah sesuai dengan isi kontrak.
4. Pembeli akan melakukan pembayaran ketika barang sudah diterima oleh Pembeli pada (waktu) dan di (tempat).
5. Barang akan dianggap sudah diterima oleh Pembeli ketika diterima oleh Pembeli di (sebut nama tempat).
6. Selama barang belum diterima oleh Pembeli, maka segala risiko atas rusak, hilang, dan musnahnya barang menjadi tanggung jawab penuh dari Penjual.
7. Penjual menjamin bahwa ia adalah pemilik yang sah dari barang yang dijualnya, tidak ada orang atau pihak lain yang turut memilikinya dan sebelumnya tidak atau belum pernah dijual atau dipindahkan haknya atau dijaminkan kepada orang atau pihak lain dengan cara bagaimanapun juga.
8. Penjual lebih lanjut menjamin bahwa pada saat penandatanganan kontrak ini, tidak ada perselisihan terhadap barang yang dijualnya.
9. Pembeli berhak memeriksa barang yang telah diterimanya, dan dalam jangka waktu tertentu setelah barang diterima Pembeli berhak mengirim klaim kepada Penjual perihal kerusakan, kondisi, maupun kualitas barang yang telah diterimanya secara terperinci. Pembeli yang tidak mengajukan klaim akan dianggap telah menerima dengan penuh barang tersebut.
10. Perjanjian ini dibuat rangkap dua (2) yang berkekuatan hukum yang sama dan dipegang oleh kedua belah pihak serta ditandatangani pada waktu yang tertera diatas.
/Tanda tangan Penjual/……………………………………………
/Tanda tangan Pembeli/……………………………………………
English to Indonesian: ENG>IND Translation Sample (Market Research) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - English ABCD Company.
In order for us to serve our customers better, we would like to find out what you think of us.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions while your photographs are being printed. Your honest opinions, comments and suggestions are extremely important to us.
Thank you, ABCD Company.
1. Do you live/work in the area (circle one or both)
2. Why did you choose ABCD Company (circle all that apply)
a. Close to home
b. Close to work
c. Convenient
d. Good service
e. Quality
f. Full-service photography shop
g. Other
3. How did you learn about us? (circle one)
a. Newspaper
b. flyer/coupon
c. passing by
d. recommended by someone
e. other
4. How frequently do you have film printed? (please estimate)
______ time per month
______ other
5. Which aspect of our photography shop do you think needs improvement?
6. Our operating hours are from 8 am to 5:30 pm weekdays and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 6 pm. We are closed on Sundays and legal holidays. What changes in our operating hours would be better for you?
7. Your age (circle one)
a. under 25
b. 26-39
c. 40-59
d. over 60
8. Other comments:
Translation - Indonesian Perusahaan ABCD
Untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan, kami ingin mengetahui pendapat Anda tentang perusahaan kami. Mohon waktunya diluangkan sebentar untuk mengisi daftar pertanyaan ini sambil menunggu foto Anda dicetak. Saran, komentar, dan pendapat jujur Anda sangat penting bagi kami.
Terima kasih, Perusahaan ABCD.
1. Apakah Anda tinggal / bekerja di sekitar sini? (Lingkari salah satu atau keduanya)
2. Mengapa Anda memilih Perusahaan ABCD (Lingkari yang sesuai)
a. Dekat dengan rumah
b. Dekat dengan tempat kerja
c. Nyaman
d. Pelayanan yang bagus
e. Kualitas
f. Jenis pelayanan lengkap
g. Lain-lain
3. Darimana Anda mengetahui tentang kami? (Lingkari salah satu)
a. Surat kabar
b. Pamflet/kupon
c. Sekedar lewat
d. Rekomendasi dari orang lain
e. Lain-lain
4. Seberapa sering Anda mencetak foto? (Mohon diperkirakan)
_____ kali per bulan
_____ lainnya
5. Aspek apa menurut Anda yang harus kami tingkatkan?
6. Senin – Jumat, kami mulai beroperasi mulai dari jam 8 pagi sampai jam 5:30 sore dan Sabtu mulai dari jam 9:30 pagi sampai jam 6 sore. Kami tutup setiap hari Minggu dan hari libur lainnya.
Jam operasi mana yang menurut Anda perlu diubah?
7. Umur Anda (Lingkari salah satu)
a. Dibawah 25
b. 26 – 39
c. 40 – 59
d. Diatas 60
8. Komentar lainnya:
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Sangga Rilau Saiful
Professional Translator/Interpreter
Summary of Qualification
Objective: Freelance English<>Indonesian Translator/Interpreter in Business/Financial, Economy, Political Sciences, Legal, and Education/Pedagogy fields, making use of extensive experience and qualifications in financial and education sectors.
Profile: Native speaker of Indonesia, certified English teacher and licensed tourist guide; excellent computer skills including software application and internet; in-depth knowledge of English business and education terminology including accounting and tourism; and accustomed to translating education and business article.
Professional Experiences
May 30 – July 15, 2013: TermWiki Translation Project Contributed to translating 72 terms totaling 2895 words in both Advertising and Banking industries from English to Indonesian
June 3rd, 2013: English to Indonesian Translation Translated a market research document with subject matter Customers’ Opinion on A Photography Shop
May 10th, 2013: English to Indonesian Translation Translated a legal document with subject matter Contract of Sales
May 2nd, 2013: Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting AIESP – TAF Meetings Responsibility:
Provided interpreting services for one of AusAID representatives
November 6th, 2012: Simultaneous Interpreting ILO-Indonesia/SCORE Responsibility:
Provided interpreting services for Deputy Director of ILO-Indonesia
May, 2012: Consecutive Interpreting Chinese Education Fair Responsibility:
Provided interpreting services for one of Chinese university representatives
2010: English to Indonesian Translation Translated an Education Text (Education Plan) for a teacher of one of state junior high schools of Makassar
2009: English to Indonesian Translation Translated an Engineer Text for undergraduate student of State University of Makassar
2006: Indonesian to English Translation Translated a Thesis Abstract (Analisis Pengetahuan dan Sikap Pekerja Terhadap HIV/AIDS di PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia, Tbk. Bulukumba) for postgraduate student of Hasanuddin University
2004: English to Indonesian Translation Translated an Education Text for postgraduate student of State University of Makassar