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Portuguese to English: Part of description of a Music Project in Africa General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Portuguese Coloca-se a hipótese de que através da análise e exploração imagética do intérprete, consciencialização das premissas da génese da obra e a cooperação com o compositor, se atingirá um grau de execução instrumental de excelência. Note-se que a primeira década do século XXI, se identifica pela diversidade estético estilística da criação musical, e pelas dificuldades geradas na aparente complexidade da notação musical contemporânea (Philip, 2001: 379).
Hipoteticamente, esta diferenciação da linguagem composicional atual potencia a intervenção social, facilitando a improvisação, a criação de narrativas através de sonoridades pouco habituais, expectando-se a motivação e compromisso por parte das crianças. Como Pierson (2010: 206) defende, a inclusão social depende de ações diferenciadas das até então praticadas, privilegiando a prevenção
Translation - English It is hypothesized that through the analysis and the captivating exploration of the interpreter, the awareness of the premises of the genesis of piece and also the cooperation with the composer, an excellent degree of instrumental execution will be achieved. It should be noted that the first decade of the twenty-first century is identified by the stylistic aesthetic diversity of musical creation, and for the difficulties generated in the apparent complexity of contemporary musical notation (Philip, 2001: 379).
Hypothetically speaking, this differentiation of current compositional language potentializes social intervention, facilitating improvisation, creating narratives through unusual sonorities. The children's motivation and commitment is expected. As Pierson (2010: 206) argues, social inclusion depends on differentiated actions from those since then practiced, favoring prevention.
English to Portuguese: Bitcoin sample General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Mining cryptocurrency
A cryptocurrency derives its value, in part, by limiting the number of coins that may ever be created. That creation process is called mining, or cryptomining. In order to mine cryptocurrencies, a miner’s computer must solve a mathematical problem so complex that it incurs a penalty in terms of computing resources. The computational effort translates into real power costs for the miner. The logic is that the overhead will limit the number of miners, and
therefore, coins will slowly be released over time. But that approach has developed an unexpected flaw.
Because of the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies, the emergence of specialized hardware, and the competition among miners, the cost to mine these currencies cannot be borne by the average user. Cryptomining has now moved into the realm of those that can afford to invest in massive computing power unavailable to most would-be miners.
This development does not mean that smaller players have been dissuaded. The barrier to entry has just meant that unscrupulous miners have had to innovate. Enter pool-based mining.
Translation - Portuguese Minerar criptomoedas
Uma criptomoeda obtém o seu valor, em parte, limitando o número de moedas que alguma vez possam ser criadas. Este processo de criação é chamado de mineração, ou criptomineração. Para que se possa minerar criptomoedas, o computador de um minerador deve resolver um problema matemático tão complexo, que resulta numa perda em termos de recursos de computação. O esforço computacional, traduz-se em custos energéticos reais para o minerador. A lógica seria que, o encargo limitasse o número de mineradores, e, por isso, as moedas fossem lentamente lançadas ao longo do tempo. Mas esta aproximação desenvolveu uma falha inesperada.
Por causa do aumento de popularidade das criptomoedas, o aparecimento de hardware especializado, e a competição entre mineradores, faz com que o custo da mineração destas moedas não possa ser suportado pelo utilizador comum. Deste modo, a criptomineração, deslocou-se para o meio daqueles que podem investir num grande poder de computação, indisponível para a maioria daqueles que ambicionam ser mineradores.
O desenvolvimento não significa que os utilizadores menores foram dissuadidos. Os impedimentos de entrada, apenas significa que, os mineradores sem escrúpulos tinham que inovar. É aqui que entra a mineração baseada em pool.
Portuguese to English: Ergonomics/Muscles sample General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Portuguese Para a avaliação dos sintomas osteomusculares foi utilizado o Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares (Anexo 1), elaborado por Kuorinka e col. (1987) e validado por Pinheiro e col. (2002). É um importante instrumento diagnóstico do ambiente ou do posto de trabalho. É autoaplicável e será respondido individualmente. O QNSO consiste em questões de análise quanto à prevalência de sintomas de dor osteomuscular nas seguintes regiões do corpo: pescoço, ombro, cotovelo, antebraço, punhos/mãos/dedos, região dorsal, região lombar, quadril/coxa, joelho, tornozelo e pé. Os participantes devem relatar a ocorrência de sintomas considerando os 12 meses e os sete dias precedentes à entrevista, bem como relatar o afastamento de atividades rotineiras durante o último ano.
Translation - English For the evaluation of osteomuscular symptoms, the Nordic Questionnaire of Osteomuscular Symptoms (Annex 1), elaborated by Kuorinka et al, was used. (1987) and validated by Pinheiro et al. (2002) . It is an important diagnostic tool for the environment or the workplace. It can be self-applied and will be answered individually. The NQOS consists of analysis questions about the prevalence of osteomuscular pain symptoms in the following regions of the body: neck, shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrists/hands/fingers, dorsal region, lumbar region, hip/thigh, knee, ankle and foot. Participants should report the occurrence of symptoms taking in consideration the 12 months and seven days before the interview, as well as reporting their withdrawal from routine activities during the past year.
English to Portuguese: Excerpt General Conditions General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English All prices stated on the website are final prices, which include all contributions and taxes. On the purchase orders site, the product prices include VAT. The regular price, price and sometimes even a crossed-out price on our website applies for the orders in our store without the use of the cart and the submission of data. A discount or promotion price, which is usually lower than the regular price, applies for orders placed via our website, email or phone. Despite our great efforts to provide you with the most updated and accurate information, mistakes in prices may occur. In general, discounts and promo codes, etc. are not cumulative. Discounts on individual items and promo code are cumulative.
Translation - Portuguese Todos os preços declarados no website são os preços finais, que incluem todas contribuições e impostos. No site das notas de encomenda, os preços dos produtos incluem o IVA. O preço normal, preços, e, algumas vezes, mesmo os preços riscados, aplicam-se às encomendas na nossa loja sem o uso do carrinho e a submissão de dados. Um preço de desconto ou de promoção, normalmente mais baixo que o preço normal, aplica-se a pedidos feitos através do nosso website, email ou telefone. Apesar dos nossos esforços hercúleos, para providenciá-lo com a nossa informação mais precisa e actualizada, erros nos preços podem acontecer
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Nov 2013.
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I am English into Portuguese translator. I have a degree in Administrative Assistance and and Post-Graduate in Computer Assisted Translation. I absolutely love to work with my clients and it is my goal to deliver
thorough, quality work to ensure all clients are given the very best. More than 1 year of experience and a dozen of satisfied clients in both English to Portuguese and the reverse. I have translated a variety of material ranging from IT documents, household appliance technical manuals, as well as medicinal and food labels.
My main areas of expertise are Biology, IT, telecommunications, history and social sciences, the ones close to my heart, although I have experience with other areas as I am a very well read person who studies various subjects. I was educated at one of the top schools for translation in Portugal
through a multidisciplinary approach; my education included studies in
IT, culture, economics, and law. I have additional certifications and experience through Windows and Linux. I have experienced use of CAT.
I have certified formation as a translator, reviewer, proofreader and project manager. I am a diligent, creative, and detail-oriented professional; highly skilled in business communications. Also, hardworking, honest, and always willing to learn new systems, projects, and technologies.
I have tools to OCR, as I am able to provide you with certified translations with good prices since I am friends with many lawyers who do me that service. My prices are very accessible, and I have no trouble working with different currencies. My services and qualities improve along the time as I am always investing in my formation.
If you need any kind of additional information please let me know.